Watch Dogs - customOutfits mod

Discussion in 'Game Tweaks and Modifications' started by infiniium, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. CraigOp

    CraigOp Guest

    infiniium my man, did ya get around to checking on that helmet reflection shader?

    Also, a weird question, is it possible to have Aiden hold a pistol without the "sneak" animation? Just the normal walk, without hiding it behind his back. Even if it's just for show, like add the pistol model to his hand on a certain outfit.
  2. Whieheit

    Whieheit Guest

    Excuse me, I have not really understood anyway. Can you help teach step change hats with A_MainCharacters.SP_Cloth_Store_Aiden_0** file as an example
  3. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    Nah, I didn't have time yet. Will try to check it later today and come back with some results :D

    About the gun, I don't have an idea to be honest. Adding it as a modelpart would not work, I'm 99% sure. You would probably have to go the other way, actually modifying the animation, but I can't help you with that as I never even checked anything related to animations. The other guys who did modify the head bob and stuff like that surely have a better understanding.
  4. The Silver

    The Silver Guest

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    It's impossible to edit the animations in any way, the headbob mod is just a bunch of dummy empty file replacements so that the engine can't read the "bad" headbob animations and just plays the base walking anim without overlaying any other head movement.
    Everything related to animations that has ever been done for WD was just about removing anims (by overwriting them with a dummy file) or replacing anims (by renaming an existing unused anim), nothing that actually involved a real edit.

    PS: For the helmet problem, try to give the same 4 values of the SpecularPower parameter also to the WetSpecularPower parameter.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016

  5. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    Hmm. There are 50 files, I just wrote ** to mask the digits. You could for example erase the head part from one file at a time, pack it and check ingame which outfit is missing a head. Then you would know which file belongs to which outfit name. At one point you would get to the nemesis outfit and you would know which file you modified last so that file is the nemesis.

    Open the blume outfit model, easy to find:

    We need to figure out which model part is what. We know that at the end of the file there are the head-torso-legs, so we got those IDs. Above that there are all the modelparts listed, two of them unknown at the moment. One of them must be the hat, the other is the arms.

    A quick search in graphickit_parts folder on the IDs shows which one is a head accessory, also known as hat.

    So we know the modelpart ID, we go up in the model file to find the third spot where it is used to get the material override ID.

    For this example I will use the outfit 002 as our target model. Using the same method as before we find the head accessory ID:

    We will replace every occurence of the old ID with the new one. Actually the old hat had some positioning and rotation added to it (highlighted in a red block on the picture) so this whole part should be copied from the other file instead. But be sure to replace the other 2 occurences of the ID in the file.

    So copy this part:

    Save, pack graphickit models, copy into patch folder, pack, copy into WD, play and enjoy.
    Last edited: May 31, 2016
  6. Plazma

    Plazma Guest

    I think i know what i did wrong i pasted the torso code on the Leg code LOLOL and i dont have those wip files in my graphic kit model folder.:nerd::)
    AND The Aiden Clothes Store 02 Model Xml is Missing:nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::nerd::bang::):)

    hey do u need the graphickit_model in the genric folder if u mod the Model
    or do i just need the items lib after modding the graphic model?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2016
  7. CraigOp

    CraigOp Guest

    @The Silver @infiniium
    Ahh, alright.
    And what about putting a dummy animation instead of the one which decides that he puts his gun hand behind his back and hunches? Is that a possibility, or is it not how it works?

    About the helmet reflection, which file do I go to for these SpecularPower parameters?
  8. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    Okay I have a minute now. So the material file should be graphics\_materials\lsauvage-m-2013071956418373.material.bin
    but a quick search showed that it's not in its place. So you have to find it in the __UNKNOWN folder. After a little more search I found that it is B46A6AEA.material.bin. The dump from it is as follows:
    # Binary material file B46A6AEA.material dump.
    Mat name: acc_m_hea_helmet01
    Shader: DriverCloth
    Flags: 0x100, Bias: 0, Parameters: [0 41]
      DiffuseTexture1 (8): graphics\characters\kits\accessories\male\head\acc_m_hea_helmet01\acc_m_hea_helmet01_cloth_d.xbt
      NormalTexture1 (8): graphics\characters\kits\accessories\male\head\acc_m_hea_helmet01\acc_m_hea_helmet01_cloth_n.xbt
      SpecularTexture1 (8): graphics\characters\kits\accessories\male\head\acc_m_hea_helmet01\acc_m_hea_helmet01_cloth_s.xbt
      DiffuseTexture1State (7): 322375989
      DiffuseTexture2State (7): 242028657
      DiffuseTexture2BlendingType (5): 1
      DiffuseOffset2 (2): 0.000000, 0.000000
      DiffuseColor1 (3): 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000
      DiffuseColor2 (3): 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000
      HasNeutralMiddleColor (6): false
      InvertDiffuseTexture2MaskIntensity (6): false
      SwapDiffuse2UVs (6): false
      NormalTexture1State (7): 322375989
      NormalIntensity (1): 1.000000
      NormalTexture2State (7): 322375989
      NormalIntensity2 (1): 1.000000
      SpecularTexture1State (7): 322375989
      MaskGreenChannelMode (5): 1
      Reflectance (1): 0.040000
      SpecularPower (4): 8192.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000
      ReflectionType (5): 0
      RimlightColor (3): 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
      RimlightPower (1): 3.000000
      AnimationParameters (4): 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
      WetDiffuseMultiplier (1): 1.000000
      LocalWetness (6): false
     [B][COLOR="Blue"] WetReflectance (1): 0.040000[/COLOR][/B]
      WetSpecularPower (4): 16.000000, 0.000000, 0.001953, 0.000000
      ClothWrinkleTargetPartId (5): 0
      ClothWrinkleParams (4): 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000
      MaskTiling1AndGroup0 (4): 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
      SpecularTiling1AndGroup1 (4): 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
      DiffuseTiling1AndGroup1 (4): 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
      DiffuseTiling2AndGroup2 (4): 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
      NormalTiling1AndGroup3 (4): 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
      DiffuseUVTiling1 (4): 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
      DiffuseUVTiling2 (4): 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
      NormalUVTiling1 (4): 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
      NormalUVTiling2 (4): 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
      SpecularUVTiling1 (4): 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
      ReflectionIntensity (4): 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.500000, -0.000000
    Copy this file into your patch folder into __UNKNOWN\gfx\. Then you have to convert this number to binhex (here's a good converter:, it will be 0ad7233d, find it in the file and write something else in there, like 1 (0000803f in binhex). Save, pack, play, enjoy.
  9. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    Those two file names are in the graphickit_models.lib and you cannot unpack it (the unpack.exe throws an error message) while they are there. If you could unpack then you are not working with the original patch files and this is already taken care of, you don't have to worry about it. I don't know how your store 02 model gone missing... And you have to put everything where it was originally. So model xmls are in the graphickit_models, item xmls are in the items.lib, etc. You don't need to copy modelpart files into the graphickit models folder. After modifying anything, you pack that folder you modified, put the result into patch_unpack\generated\databases\generic\ and then pack up the whole thing.
  10. CraigOp

    CraigOp Guest

    Ok so let me see if I got this right, grab B46A6AEA.material.bin from __UNKNOWN/gfx/ and paste it to that folder in the patch, open it in hex editor, find 0a d7 23 3d and replace it with 00 00 80 3f? There were 2 instances of that, I replaced both, saved and packed. But it didn't seem to work :/
    Also tried replacing only one of each

  11. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    okay now i took another look and both reflectance and wet reflectance are 0.04 so obviously I was mistaken.

    EDIT: I just read Silvers comment and he mentioned wetspecularpower. So maybe I was wrong with the wetreflectance? Copy the file again from windy_city so any modifications you made are reverted, then...
    This should be specularpower (value is blue)
    04 00 00 00 8c 18 1f 7e 00 00 00 46 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3f 00 00 00 00
    and the wetspecularpower would be
    04 00 00 00 7c e2 0a 2a 00 00 80 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3b 00 00 00 00

    So replace the wetspecularpower value with the value (only the blue part) from specularpower, and see what it does.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
  12. CraigOp

    CraigOp Guest

    That worked! You're the best man, thank you. Also thanks to Silver.

    By the way, I've managed to do what I wanted with the pistol walking animation, I went to animations/locomotion/walk and replaced "male_fulb_walk_000f_conceal_pistol_none.mab" with "male_fulb_walk-med_000f_norm_nowep_none.mab". I love how descriptive these filenames are. It's a bit glitchy but it works. Looks pretty cool.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2016
  13. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    Great! Also nice find with the animations.
  14. Plazma

    Plazma Guest

    how do i get the graphic kit model folder cuz the new patch does not have those in it.i got tit from Definitive hd mod
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2016
  15. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    When you unpack graphickit_models.lib with Gibbed.Disrupt.ConvertBinaryObject.exe it will create an xml with file list, and a folder with the same name containing all the files. That was the folder I was referring to. After you modify the files in the folder you run again Gibbed.Disrupt.ConvertBinaryObject.exe on the xml with the file list to pack it.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016

  16. Plazma

    Plazma Guest

    Is their any way to remove that horrible slow motion screen effect i Hate It...
  17. TheCrasher

    TheCrasher Guest

    Yes!... Well sort of...

    There is a mod on TXGT's E3 lite mod page called the variety pack, download the .zip; and there will be a mod called "E3 2012 focus" then just drag and drop the file in its respective location listed in the instruction folder.
  18. txgt

    txgt Guest

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    There is another way to remove almost any effect when in focus. But I forgot how I did it. I need to test a few things to remember.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
  19. Plazma

    Plazma Guest

    THX Bruhh i already have that mod an dint know that was what that was lol:nerd:
  20. TheCrasher

    TheCrasher Guest

    I think you might be thinking of 3Dmigoto? or maybe you can disable it in the adrenaline_loop.cseq file?

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