Watch Dogs - customOutfits mod

Discussion in 'Game Tweaks and Modifications' started by infiniium, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. The Silver

    The Silver Guest

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    Apparently months ago I was a lot more ignorant... I've already made some significant progress, I've realized that the save files can be converted with the tools just like you can do with the .cseq files. You just have to hex edit them first, cutting away the initial data untill the nbCF section, then drag them to the Gibbed.Disrupt.ConvertBinaryObject.exe to get an organized (albeit still lacking recognizable field names) xml file that you can easily edit with any text editor, then after you're done you have to hex edit it again to put back the data before nbCF. :cool:
    I'll experiment more the next week, as soon as I will have more time, but in the meanwhile this latest info can be useful to anyone interested in getting his hands dirty. :)
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  2. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    I dont know what an nbcf is but i would want to check the contents too. I'm glad that i could help you getting in the right direction! :D

    EDIT: nevermind, i opened the file and saw that there is "nbCF" actually written there :D
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  3. The Silver

    The Silver Guest

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    Yep! :p Anyway, merry christmas to everyone! :D
  4. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    Merry Christmas! :cool:

  5. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    the Division

    Any of you will play The Division?

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I can't make the backpack right, the straps are disappearing in the jacket. Since the object is animated I can't modify its position/rotation/scale in the modelpart xml. Oh well...
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  6. The Silver

    The Silver Guest

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    That's so cool mate! :eek3: I see a custom arm patch, is it the only retexture you've done? Everything else is done through shader colouring? :)

    PS: Also, is it using your edited vanilla head 3d model? Have you managed to check that thing that we were talking about? The head materials/parts name fix so it can have the capless texture fixed?
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  7. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    Thanks! The arm patch is the only modification, everything else was in the game already. Just had to go through all the material overrides. I totally forgot about the head thing, it still has the issue with the capless texture.
  8. The Silver

    The Silver Guest

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    Cool, good to know, the less edits are needed the better it is, I'd say. :cool: Can't wait for the release! :D

    When you have time please check that thing, I'm pretty sure it's not that hard to fix, there's just something that Zmodeler does that we should prevent IMHO, but I don't have it working on my pc so I can't test, I only remember the times I was working of the beretta..
  9. Plazma

    Plazma Guest

    custom outfits mod fix

    Hey i Put the patch files in the datawin64 folder booted up the game loaded bad blood dlc find the biker out fit it works:D
    Next i got to aiden Peirce and go to wardrobe and find none of the outfits shown on this page:(( plz help me if i did something wrong..:bang:
  10. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    If they don't show up in the wardrobe check a clothing shop. You may have to buy them first.

  11. Plazma

    Plazma Guest


    hey im trying to make my own character mods but when i unpack the lib files how do i convert them back to lib?
    and also could u put the t-bone biker out fit with the play as npc mod because i want to play it with he npc mod but when i try to it erases the npc mod...from aidens game..
  12. Plazma

    Plazma Guest

    watch dogs character swaping tutorial plz....

    could Silver plz make and Character Swaping Tutorial on youtube:D so we new moders can see how its done im not good at reading instructions lol:nerd:
  13. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    First I'd suggest you read the tutorial in the second post of this thread.

    From the .lib files the binaryObject unpacker creates an xml file with a file list inside and a folder with the same name containing all the files. To pack it again you need to run the binaryObject on the xml with the file list. It will create something like "items_unpacked.fcb", you just rename it to "items.lib" and put it in the patch folder, then pack that with the pack.exe.

    I don't think I will have the time to merge my mod with the NPC mod, though I was thinking about it earlier. It would go like this, maybe you'll give it a shot: copy the custom outfit files from my items.lib into the NPC items.lib and from my graphicmodels.lib into NPC graphicmodels.lib. Copy shopsettings.lib, you don't need to unpack it. Copy all other files (textures, materials, etc) as well. Then pack the whole thing.
  14. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    I still need to separate the jacket textures from the original, I don't want the other outfits with the same jacket to have the Division logo (it's the same jacket the biker guy with/without helmet uses). I think it will be enough if I rename the xbt textures and edit the specific material.bin to point to the new xbt files, what do you think? As I remember we could not create new material overrides so a few NPCs in the world will walk around in a Division jacket, but who cares.

    I'll check if Puredorian's ZM license is still active on my PC and see what I can do with the head.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  15. The Silver

    The Silver Guest

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    Yes your idea is the best solution I guess, and on top of that you could check if it's possible to do like I did for the fake aiden head, as you remember it was a cau model and I gave aiden's face textures to one of the material overrides, but this would mean that some npcs with cau head would look exactly like aiden, so my workaround was to search for an override that was very rare at least, I was lucky and I found an unused debug material override that perfectly suited my needs, anyway maybe there's something similar for the sweatshirt. :)

    PS: For example if the torso part is the Mobsters_Male.mob_m_tor_leajcket04 you could make use of the variation mob_m_tor_leajcket04_uplayMadness01 and replace its material with yours, this way no npc will ever have the Division jacket, with the downside that probably the unlockable madness outfit will have it instead.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016

  16. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    It is the leajcket04 indeed, but it's not the unlockable madness outfit, as it is an NPC modelpart. Probably some guys in the madness digital trip wear that jacket. I don't see it as an issue, you are driving around way too fast in that minigame to recognize if the demons have an arm patch or not :D We will have to modify the shader diffusecolors though as I guess that jacket is probably black, not brown.

    EDIT: a quick search in the graphickit models, and I found that no model is using that material variation of the jacket. So we're safe to overwrite it with our stuff :D
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  17. The Silver

    The Silver Guest

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    Yeah! That's why I suggested to search for an unused one, that's the best case scenario we could expect. :cool: Now we can simply take all the values we need from the other material variations of that jacket and replace the ones of the material variation mob_m_tor_leajcket04_uplayMadness01. ;)
  18. Plazma

    Plazma Guest

    So all i have to do is change aidens cloths id from the graphic kit model line to the item id and it will load the npc with all the clothes added too? or will it just load the npc model but not the clothes??? plz respond
  19. infiniium

    infiniium Guest

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    If you change the ID value in this line in an xml in items.lib:
    <field name="graphickitmodelModel" type="BinHex">(here is the ID)</field>
    then it will load that model instead of the original outfit. All you need to know is the ID from any of the models in graphicKit_models.lib. You need to look for this line in an xml in the graphicKit_models:
    <field hash="389F6DA7" type="BinHex">(here is the ID)</field>
    to know the ID.

    These are complete models, not just clothes. So if you change this it will modify everything: the body, the head, the clothes, the accessories (if there are any). This is the way the NPC mod works. Of course you can go further and change the shop icons, if you want to find your outfit easier ingame, but that's for another lesson as you need to know how to modify the xbt files for that.
  20. Plazma

    Plazma Guest

    XD I figured it out bro i can make my own character mods now ive made several already and posted one of them on youtube:D
    next i want to know how to create custom outfits like u did:D

    ill post u guyz the link to the video if u wanna see it:D

    and ill try murging both the npc mod and the outfit one:D

    oh yeah and sometimes when i pick an npc when i got in game and pick the character its is nothing there but u can still play the game and when u run the camera tilts sideways??
    THx For Posting that Tutorial:D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2016

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