*-=The Guru of 3D rig gallery rev.2 Part 9=-*

Discussion in 'Die-hard Overclocking & Case Modifications' started by hallryu, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. r0k0

    r0k0 Guest

    Maybe running a Display switch ?

    my ex father in-law had a switch for screen... plug VGA but the switch is DVI and he had 3 screens on his desk and could plug at least 10 computers on them
  2. Irocing

    Irocing Guest


    Newbie here but on many other forums.
    Would this qualify in working mans class.

    Most of the cooling hardware bought on sale.


  3. r0k0

    r0k0 Guest

    are those pretty efficient rad the XSPC 240's ? im going to buy 1 and 2 gentle typhoon 4250rpm fans for it and hoping to acheive better temps with it
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2012
  4. Mineria

    Mineria Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    Asus RTX 3080 Ti
    And finally a newer CM case where there is no need for any cutting and grinding to fit in an EK bay reservoir.
    Still in doubt if I want a tj07/11 over it thou.

  5. Mineria

    Mineria Ancient Guru

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    Asus RTX 3080 Ti
    I use a EK 360 with 3 GT 1850rpm's for both CPU as GPU.
    I don't know why you would want the 4250's, I can go 4.5Ghz on the i7 and still have it below 60C under load, the GTX580 doesn't even get hot.
    4250rpm is a lot of noise...
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szj4L3cMuak As noisy as a HP server!
    GT's sound best at their stock speed btw.
  6. r0k0

    r0k0 Guest

    PWM control :) so i can turn them fast when i'll be overclocking moar :) and my 5970 gets alot hotter then a GTX 580 :p
  7. hallryu

    hallryu Guest

    Nice but is that a grand total of three radiator just to cool your CPU?
  8. Irocing

    Irocing Guest

    Planned ahead.

    Running CF 5770's and why block them.

    Setting up for a single 7970 or Kepler under water to start and
    double up when prices come down.

    Thats why.:rolleyes:

  9. Mineria

    Mineria Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    Asus RTX 3080 Ti
    A few of my Cosmos 1000 with a lot of new parts.
    Just got a Laing (Swiftech) DC350 with a XSPC top thrown into it.

  10. r0k0

    r0k0 Guest

    Thats original.. Gas hoses :p

  11. Fusion_XT

    Fusion_XT Guest

    I see people do this more often, why are you pushing air in to your rad instead of out? Heat rises thats the basic i know, and i see 4 fans pushing air in so that positve air pressure, cant get my head around it being better ?
  12. Mineria

    Mineria Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    Asus RTX 3080 Ti
    Yeah, better to be safe than sorry :D
    I want another case thou, since I can't get optimal flow in my current.
    My best temps are with a lot of positive pressure right now, but I want the pressure more even, so got a few cases in mind.
    Xigmatek's Elysium seems to offer a lot of options, but HAF X doesn't look so bad either.
    Silverstone's TJ11 would be optimal, but comes with a sky high price tag.
  13. Mineria

    Mineria Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    Asus RTX 3080 Ti
    Actually it is better when I look at my CPU's and GPU's temperatures under full load.
    I have tried all different combinations with the fans, this one yields the best result, probably also why you see other people having their fans pushing in at top in cases with limited fan mount options.
    As for heat rises, enough positive pressure counters convection, which works out quite well for my H2O setup.
    To get correct convection cooling I need more inlets at the bottom, which also should allow me to drive the fans at lower rpm and get the same result, if I should want to.

    EDIT: The best temperatures would be to have the rad mounted external, but that counters the idea to have it installed in a protected way.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2012
  14. bouf0010

    bouf0010 Guest

    positive air pressure is great keeping dust out of your rig :) i run my top 4 fans pushing down with 2 slightly higher cfm exhausting out of the back and bottom. Plus you get the cooler air outside come into your rad first instead of the warm case air.
  15. _REAPER_

    _REAPER_ Guest

    Whats up everyone here are pics of my rig.. let me know what you think




  16. BLEH!

    BLEH! Ancient Guru

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    Sapphire Fury
    @ _REAPER_, clean and understated. I like it.
  17. Mineria

    Mineria Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    Asus RTX 3080 Ti
    Nice and clean, I like that.
    I would hide that female fan connector thou, it is very visible with every thing else hidden.
    The more I look at the HAF X, the more I like it. :/
  18. DirkHardpeck

    DirkHardpeck Guest

    My very humble setup. I will never figure out how people make their rigs look so clean :(




  19. r0k0

    r0k0 Guest

    Very easy TBH... its just to take it appart and build it back up.. then rip apart again then put it back up.. the more you do it.. the more you learn your case and fins small spots where to hide stuff

    you can always use power tools to make some new holes and stuff for hiding wires
  20. DirkHardpeck

    DirkHardpeck Guest

    Ouch...If I need to completely tear down and rebuild repeatedly, I will wait until the next PC where I will buy a bigger case ;)

    The 902 is a nicely performing case and all, but building in it was a serious bitch. Back to full towers for me, lol.

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