Steam Top Ten Selling PC games October 11th 2016

Discussion in 'Frontpage news' started by Hilbert Hagedoorn, Oct 11, 2016.

  1. Hilbert Hagedoorn

    Hilbert Hagedoorn Don Vito Corleone Staff Member

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    These are the results for this week, there are two mafia editions for sale hence the double entry. Here are the ten top selling titles on Steam for the week as reported by Valve: Mafia IIIMafia IIISi...

    Steam Top Ten Selling PC games October 11th 2016
  2. War child

    War child Master Guru

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    3090Ti Suprim X
    It's a little concerning seeing Mafia III dominate the top 10, 3 times considering all the crazy bugs and glitches present. Not to mention the performance issues at the moment.

    I guess the sheer excitement of the next edition in the series overcame the need to check reviews for game play and performance first. Or maybe this represents how many are still pre-ordering.
  3. Antykain

    Antykain Guest

    Mafia III 3 times in the Top-10.. nice. lol. But yeah, I was really looking forward to playing Mafia III when it came time to be released. Then hearing it was chock-full of bugs and the 30 fps cap pretty much made me reconsider. At least for the time being. I know they recently patched Mafia III and removed the 30 fps cap, but not sure what the current State of the Game is. And why 2K Games would release the PC version of Mafia III with a 30 fps cap is beyond me. Find it kinda funny how quickly 2K released a patch.. PC gamers were going nuts over it. As it was expected.. :bang:
  4. Show us the MAFIA 3 refund data Steam. :wanker:

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