Nvidia Forceware 177.39 + NVIDIA physX 8.06.12

Discussion in 'Videocards - Intel ARC & ARC Driver section' started by me3850, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. Phyxion

    Phyxion Guest

    Pretty useless without the x64 :p
    I now got the x64 NEW downloading here. Let's hope it will stay downloading. 1 hour + remaining...
  2. roguesn1per

    roguesn1per Guest

    YOU DONT NEED 177.39, 177.35 WORKS FINE!!!!

    Wanna see something cool

    P8212 With a Single 8800gts 512 !!!! my score went up by 800 points!!!!!


    My Physics Score went up 720%
  3. I dunno if this physx thing is actually working or not...
    I have the 177.35 drivers.... I installed the physx drivers from the nVidia site and of course the card wasn't recognized but it let me play the demos...
    GPU didn't get strained.. my CPU did... I averaged @ 60FPS on the first demo...

    Next I installed the 08.06 drivers and my card got recognized.. played the same first demo.. I went to 64FPS but still no strain on the GPU but the CPU got loaded again...
  4. roguesn1per

    roguesn1per Guest

    Of course it is :p
    Mabye not on everything, But 3dmark vantage DEF works!!!

  5. WhiteLightning

    WhiteLightning Don Illuminati Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Inno3d RTX4070
    Roguesn1per, did you install the newer physx drivers ?
  6. Barry J

    Barry J Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    RTX2080 TRIO Super
    Hope some working Vista X64 drivers are found soon..............
  7. roguesn1per

    roguesn1per Guest

    Yes, all i dloaded was he physx software

    Barry J

    i already told people You Dont need 177.39

    Just use 177.35 and it works!!!!
  8. rentalbrain

    rentalbrain Guest

    Has anyone tried running 3dmark06 with this driver? I just got 12600ish points when I usually scored around 11400-11800 with previous drivers which is really cool. Is this because of this new geforce phyics thingy? Anyway I love this driver so far it's so smooth I can't wait to try out crysis and see how well it runs. Oh btw many thanks to protocol_48 for sharing modded inf. It works like a charm mate.
  9. roguesn1per

    roguesn1per Guest

    ill try 06 now.
  10. °L°

    °L° Guest

    Likes Received:
    GTX 970
    I have a 8600gt, can i try this forceware?
    Because i've actually 175.16
    I've launch nvidia physx but i can't use test.
    Sorry for my bad english i'm french ^^

  11. THEBIG360

    THEBIG360 Guest

    I've modified inf for 32bit vista. Gone try on my GX2 post back soon.

    Would upload inf but don't know how sorry.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2008
  12. roguesn1per

    roguesn1per Guest

    3dmark06 Gets no boost.
  13. Well this got interesting.... I just played Mass Effect and found some diffrences...
    I use a 7" TFT to monitor my system... prior the PhysX drivers my CPU got ~90% strained and my GPU heated up to 85C
    With the PhysX drivers my CPU load goes all the way up to 98-100% and my GPU runs ~10C colder...
    Also it does look like there are image differences in the game.. particals do seem to look different then before.. if they were there in the first place... I can't remember tbh.... LOL

    I also gained a few FPS... not a lot but the game does run smoother then before...

    So the 08.06.12 drivers do work with the 177.35 drivers...
  14. blue5

    blue5 Guest

    driver installed fine as well as the physx. Ran the demos and everything. For some reason UT3 feels a but slow at times.
  15. Stop It RAWR

    Stop It RAWR Guest

    I installed the 177.39 drivers with no fuss after quickly copying the G92 sections of the inf over from the modded 177.35 file, worked fine.

    The physX driver installed fine, a quick reboot was needed to activate the Geforce acceleration, I wonder how much it will affect gaming? I will test it when I get home from work, UT3 should be most useful as it has a "hardware physics" switchbox, should make for an interesting test.

  16. blue5

    blue5 Guest

    you needed to reboot to activate the acceleration? The demos worked off the bat for me.
  17. Nuja

    Nuja Guest

    so, the physics (which version ?) driver work with forceware 177.35 for every card with modded inf after a reboot right ?

    does the 177.39 works with everycard with modded inf ? and what about physics drivers ? do they work with 177.39 and every geforce card with modded inf?

    i wana try 177.39, because with 177.26 and 177.35 my fan setting resets ;x

    thank in advance.
  18. rentalbrain

    rentalbrain Guest

    I just tried Crysis and it runs much smoother with this driver than anything I tried before but I noticed shadings on the character are much stronger/darker at carrier level and also I got strange trianglish artifacts on the upper deck of the carrier when you defend against alien attacks. Looks like I have to switch back to slower driver for reliability but what nvidia has done to this set seem quite promissing. I'm defo looking forward to the next release.
  19. Blacky10

    Blacky10 Guest

    NEW File 177.39_geforce_winvista_64bit_international_NEW.exe von German Site is corrupt!!! :(
  20. Fyre

    Fyre Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2008

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