Download Windows Vista SP1 with a registry hack

Discussion in 'Operating Systems' started by Watcher, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. Watcher

    Watcher Ancient Guru

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    Asus Dual RX6700 XT

    Download with the knowledge that it may be Your gain or Your pain. It's up to you.

    Last edited: Oct 17, 2007
  2. dominant1

    dominant1 Guest

    thanks but no thanks....
  3. Zer0K3wL

    Zer0K3wL Guest

    something tells me that this contains a trojan or whatever so i'm not really tempted to try
  4. samov

    samov Guest

    i do not know if these have a trojan... BUT the registry hack is true... it adds two lines to the registry.

    these are the two lines
    @echo off
    reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSp1 /v Beta1 /t REG_SZ /d a2c3c14a-9586-4d37-9aaa-79fbd64069d2 /f
    reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSP1 /v Beta1 /t REG_SZ /d a2c3c14a-9586-4d37-9aaa-79fbd64069d2 /f

    echo Vista SP1 registry key has been set. Please check for updates in Windows Update.

    happy beta testing

  5. Boomshak

    Boomshak Guest

    From what I have heard, this SP1 is sort of pre-beta and a regular bug-fest. Nah, I'll wait till they get the kinks worked out.
  6. samov

    samov Guest

    it is not bug fest nor is it SUPER FAST as other people might say...

    i've had it for a full week... had no issues... actually fixed some of them... i thought i do my part and report the problems i had to microsoft via the "Problems and Solutions" then i uninstalled it... and i'm waiting for the final build...
  7. mehdi

    mehdi Guest

    Should this hack be done on a fresh install of vista?
  8. samov

    samov Guest

    on any install... except Vista Basic... in which case it does nothing
  9. mehdi

    mehdi Guest

    This is the latest version of sp1 right?
  10. nicugoalkeper

    nicugoalkeper Master Guru

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    Vista sp1 is very good and no bug so far !

  11. dB

    dB Guest

    Any performance increases or before-after benchies?
  12. Zer0K3wL

    Zer0K3wL Guest

    if tryit sp1 for long time it did't make any faster or more responsive did still come with few bugs but not many.
    atm run without so i can tell 100% sure.
    altough this sp1 beta if tryit was for 64 bit.
    and an old build
  13. Darkoz

    Darkoz Ancient Guru

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    XFX 8800 ULTRA xXx 675/2.3GHz
    Did you check if the service pack improved file copying speeds in Vista?
  14. fischju

    fischju Guest

    Doesn't this have a 30 day timer on it? Because it's not final?
  15. samov

    samov Guest

    it has an april 2008 timer... after that date you have to uninstall it

  16. Bi2L

    Bi2L Guest

    Can anyone export from his ragistry the keys. You know somethink like this:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSp1 ]
    "v Beta1"="a2c3c14a-9586-4d37-9aaa-79fbd64069d2 /f"
  17. Bi2L

    Bi2L Guest

    Ok i found the registry.
    But i have a little problem, when i install the first update (KB935509) i didn't restart my computer and when i went to restart the electrisity power down and i didn't restart my PC, so when the electricity come up again my computer can't boot to Vista.
  18. bozotheclown

    bozotheclown Guest

    which is strange since of all 5 packages in sp1 prerelease

    only the first two cabs in this list can be uninstalled!

    If anyone has a trick to uninstall the others I'd like to hear.

  19. samov

    samov Guest

    you do not have to uninstall the others... they are not beta...
  20. Bi2L

    Bi2L Guest

    Ok i fix it.
    Hey at Vistas Extra it's a game name "Hold 'Em" its Poker.

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