Trying to add 1440p to my New Monitor.

Discussion in 'Computer Monitor Forum' started by kProphetk, Apr 2, 2024.

  1. kProphetk

    kProphetk Member Guru

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    RX 6700 XT MECH 2X
    I was able to set a 1440p to my 32" Tv. I finally got a PC 32 " Gaming Monitor 165Hz from MSI.
    Its a 1080p by default and I've success using CRU to add 2560x1440p to my TV but I can't for the life of me get AMD or CRU to create a 1440p settings.

    Is there another way I can use a program or anything to set the settings above 1440p 60hz?

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  2. Trunks0

    Trunks0 Maha Guru

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    PC RedDevil 7900XTX
    Turn on Virtual Super Resolution?

    Adrenalin software> Gaming> Display> Virtual Super Resolution and switch it to on.
    kProphetk likes this.
  3. Undying

    Undying Ancient Guru

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    Yeah use VSR in AMD CP.

    Despite that it can never look good as native 1440p.
    kProphetk likes this.
  4. kProphetk

    kProphetk Member Guru

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    RX 6700 XT MECH 2X
    OK ty, I just turned it on and it worked perfectly. This is why I have always come here to read, learn and get help.

    I've never actually seen a 1440p monitor in person (yeah I'm a noob and old AF!). Maybe one day I can afford and 1440p or higher native monitor. Ty both for helping me once again.
    Undying and Trunks0 like this.

  5. PapaJohn

    PapaJohn Master Guru

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    Asus 6700XT OC 12Gb
    If you want to get your full refresh rate on the VSR resolution you may have to switch on GPU scaling as well in the AMD CP . Hope that helps.
    kProphetk likes this.
  6. kProphetk

    kProphetk Member Guru

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    RX 6700 XT MECH 2X
    I will try it as well.

    Being a colorblind old gamer, I thought my TV look good or okish to me. I am amazed at how good the graphics look vs my TV. Everything looks so crisp, the smoothness of game play is lvl's above anything I am used to. I've messed around on my sons PS4/5 and it looked good, but a monitor vs a TV (for me), is the greatest thing I've seen since my Ex walked out the door and never came back.

    I think I have everything working properly and again Thank You to all that have helped this old man. I really appreciate it all.
    GoldenTiger, PapaJohn and Trunks0 like this.
  7. PapaJohn

    PapaJohn Master Guru

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    Asus 6700XT OC 12Gb
    No problem and the line about your ex made me lol :) Happy gaming!
    kProphetk likes this.
  8. Like fellows above said you have to use VSR / DSR for anything above a display's native resolution, you cannot add / use a resolution that's beyond the native resolution as such because the panel is still limited by its dot pitch.
    VSR like it says creates a virtual resolution that's internally higher than native and then scales the output back down to native resolution so your display is still getting a 1080p signal.

    You can create custom resolutions that are within the native res limits.

    VSR is good for games but for desktop use really recommend sticking to native as it's way sharper.

    Also yeah high refresh rate gaming is very enjoyable, so enjoy!
    Trunks0 and kProphetk like this.
  9. kProphetk

    kProphetk Member Guru

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    RX 6700 XT MECH 2X
    I have something in my settings for this monitor called "Response Time" and it has Normal/Fast and Fastest. I don't think I messed with it, but its on Fast. Should it be or on something else? I have this monitor - - hooked up with an HDMI cable right not. I am picking up a DP cable tomorrow of Thursday so I can use my 32" TV for a 2nd screen.
  10. RealNC

    RealNC Ancient Guru

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    4070 Ti Super
    In the past, many displays supported built-in downscaling. This is why this worked previously for the OP. You could output a higher resolution to the display than its native res and it would downscale it internally. Some 1080p displays even supported 4K input.

    Not sure why displays stopped supporting that. It's rare now.
    Deleted member 229454 likes this.

  11. tsunami231

    tsunami231 Ancient Guru

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    it make responce faster then normal (with out such setting) but can introduce overshoot, now if you notice the over shoot is another question. go threw modes the higher it is less "motion" blur should be visable, but like said can cause over shoot the higher the setting is, I would say check Rting but i dont think they did review on that, but if they do they would list all modes and what response time and overshoot is if any, I dont know any other place that do that.

    Overshoot is as bad as motion blur to me so tend to find fastest mode with lest amount of over shoot
  12. Trunks0

    Trunks0 Maha Guru

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    PC RedDevil 7900XTX
    Yeah it can be very monitor to monitor dependant (or model to model). Most of the Samsung's Oddessey line for instance has a built in scaler for both up and down scaling. The usual reason a monitor will do it these days, is for better compatibility with consoles. Hence, plenty of gaming centric monitors being able to display 4k.

    Worth noting though, that the displays built in scaler will not always look great
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2024
  13. kProphetk

    kProphetk Member Guru

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    RX 6700 XT MECH 2X
    OK ty to all of you. Now I have something else. I'll do my best to write this the best I can.

    I went I bought a DP cable and hook my monitor up with it, I actually got 2 but discovered my TY only has HDMI and a optical thingy, which I have on running my living room 50" to my home stereo for surround sound.

    I took my HDMI and used it for my 32" TV. So I went into my display setting and set it to Extend my monitor's. I can drag my other game 9Dragons to my TV, but as soon as I load Destiny 2 on my monitor. my other game takes up 1/4 of my screen and that game freezes while D2 works np on my monitor. Is my TV supposed work like this? Am I doing something wrong.

    I read that HDMI is faster, but "Gamers" tend to go for DP over HDMI. My monitor is 165hz. I just want to have my games on my monitor run the best vs my TV games running at whatever.
  14. I'm not sure trying to run 2 games at the same time on 2 displays driven by the same GPU is a good idea to begin with
  15. kProphetk

    kProphetk Member Guru

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    RX 6700 XT MECH 2X
    I've been running 2 games on same GPU for years, just never done it with 2 monitors. Even my IGP done it with NP, my 2060 6gb had no issues, maybe I'll just have to let the 2nd monitor freeze for now. Ty for your input.

  16. Yeah that's what I meant, trying to run one game on one display while running another one on another display simultaneously.
    Running 2 games as such is not that different from running any 2 programs at once.

    But having 2 games displayed on 2 screens in realtime could be difficult, even on multidisplay systems focus is on one window at a time and this gets the bulk of resources while passive windows are sort of dormant.

    I'm assuming you always had other game minimized with just one display?

    Still, I guess you could verify both displays have scaling set to 100 % under Display Settings.
    I've had similar weird overlap issues when using different scaling on multiple displays at work.

    I do not have first hand experience in running 2 games with 2 displays though, to be clear.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2024
  17. Entirely depends on DP and HDMI version, it's not clear cut. Anyway either should work for you unless you have a 8K HDR TV your using, and even if you would, the TV probably has a HDMI 2.1 port only.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2024
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