Review: G.Skill TridentZ RGB DDR4 memory review

Discussion in 'Frontpage news' started by Hilbert Hagedoorn, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. Hilbert Hagedoorn

    Hilbert Hagedoorn Don Vito Corleone Staff Member

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    We test the all new RGB series TridentZ DDR4 memory from G.Skill. It's fast at 3600 MHz, it's cool and runs XMP 2.0 memory profiles on Intel platforms as well. Join us as we review not just some of ...

    Review: G.Skill TridentZ RGB DDR4 memory review
  2. JonasBeckman

    JonasBeckman Ancient Guru

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    XFX 7900XTX M'310
    Glowy, nice speed as well and voltage is pretty nice too or well I guess since I'm not too knowledgeable about DDR3 and DDR4 power requirements and differences.

    I do remember that OCZ DDR 1800 kit which was the first DDR3 memory I had though those ran at a voltage of 2.0 and were certified and covered by warranty up to 2.1, still running in the old machine which is now used by my sister (Mostly unchanged aside from a GPU upgrade to a 7970Ghz) so yeah almost 10 years and counting heh. :D

    Used to think timing was of more importance too but that seems to have been a bit incorrect after looking into it a bit more and it's something of a combination of latency and the memory clock speed giving a overall performance result and now withDDR4 we're almost up to 4.2 Ghz as a official supported speed as of the z270 motherboard if I'm not mixing things up completely again. :p

    Wonder what DDR5 will bring, guessing there's a cap somewhere on these things too similar to CPU's having trouble breaching 5Ghz and die shrinks probably have diminishing returns too so it'll be interesting to see.
    (HBM on die CPU RAM? Eh I guess that's not a solution either though CPU's with integrated GPU's might have some use for that or just faster RAM in general.)

    For gaming I suppose faster RAM also has a bit of a cap although there's always going to be that one game (Like Fallout 4) showing a irregular performance boost heh.

    EDIT: Ah I was curious on how RGB LED would be configurable on a memory stick, guess it's not something they'll go into more detail on though aside from something with motherboard compatibility mentioned a bit above this particular quote.
    (Along with some software which is currently in development.)
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017
  3. PrMinisterGR

    PrMinisterGR Ancient Guru

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    Inno3D RTX 3090
    Thanks for the review! Is there any chance that we could get some gaming numbers from these? Particularly open world games like the Witcher 3 or Fallout 4. A lot of people don't believe that memory speeds matter for gaming, it would be nice to have some concrete numbers (preferably 95% frame times) from a reliable website.
  4. lanelor

    lanelor Guest

    TL;DR you pay more for some diodes and the blink factor :pc1:

  5. buddybd

    buddybd Master Guru

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    EVGA GTX 1070 FTW
    Completely agreed. Higher bus RAMs make a big difference in CPU bound situations.

    I got a big increase in CSGO after I moved from 1600mhz to 2400mhz. There's too many "ram doesn't matter" content out there that makes people assume it plays an insignificant role.
  6. H1TMANza

    H1TMANza Guest

    ***correction*** Page 4

    Designed with a custom 10-layer PCB and hand-picked IC chips to enhance overclocking performance, the Trident Z RGB series is capable of reaching speeds of DDR4-4266MHz.
  7. Hughesy

    Hughesy Guest

    Slightly faster than my DDR4 memory :crapper:
  8. -Tj-

    -Tj- Ancient Guru

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    3080TI iChill Black
    need moar lights!!!

    lol.. this is getting too much.
  9. Koniakki

    Koniakki Guest

    And slightly slower than mine... :D

    I haven't check if these are the same B-Die ic's or newer/revised ones.

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2017
  10. PrMinisterGR

    PrMinisterGR Ancient Guru

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    Inno3D RTX 3090
    We should start betting what the next thing that will take RGB lighting is. I predict NVMe SSDs.

  11. bigfutus

    bigfutus Master Guru

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    MSI 3080 VENTUS 10G
  12. Agent-A01

    Agent-A01 Ancient Guru

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    4090 FE H20
    That'd be nice.

    Blops 3 i have gained 40fps (iirc like 108 > 150~)just from going from stock 2133 jedec timings to 3200>CL12.

    Of course that is an extreme example but it was a case where CPU usage was not maxed nor was GPU in a particular area with lots of effects.

    I have noticed a couple other games that ram speeds affect FPS a lot such as overwatch and fo4.
  13. Humanoid_1

    Humanoid_1 Guest

    I've even seen different brands of same spec RAM (DDR3 1600 when I was last looking in detail at this kind of info) provide as much as a 9% increase in fps in games.

    Curiously not all reviews found significant differences, but enough did that I found. Most certainly not all games are effected of course.

    When counting big differences in RAM speed I expect much more interesting differences. Time for a refresh with an upcoming DDR4 system :)
  14. PrMinisterGR

    PrMinisterGR Ancient Guru

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    Inno3D RTX 3090
    I know my next one is minimum 3200, and at as tight timings as possible.
  15. Robbo9999

    Robbo9999 Ancient Guru

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    RTX 3080
    That was my approach too when I assembled my rig a few months ago: 3200Mhz RAM and then I just tightened the timings as far as they would go: 15-15-15-32-240 1T

    I figured that 3200Mhz was a high enough frequency & that tightening timings would be the way to go.

    EDIT: see the tRFC I have at 240 above, make sure you don't end up having something crazy loose in there like 1000 - I've seen someone who made massive gains by lowering tRFC from 1000 to something like 500 - talking something like 3% difference in Physics score on Firestrike! Apparently having a loose tRFC can help achieve higher clocks & tighter timings elsewhere, but it does reduce performance if you have tRFC too loose!
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2017

  16. Mufflore

    Mufflore Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    Aorus 3090 Xtreme
    I hoped to see max MHz and lowest timings configs.
    Nice review otherwise, cheers.
  17. asturur

    asturur Maha Guru

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    Geforce Gtx 1080TI
    What stop this 4 dimm kit at 3600Mhz to run on the quad channel platform at 3200Mhz or higher?
  18. Mufflore

    Mufflore Ancient Guru

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    Aorus 3090 Xtreme
    The motherboard and CPU.

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