flashing bios on ASUS A8V Deluxe

Discussion in 'Processors and motherboards AMD' started by apintojr, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. apintojr

    apintojr Maha Guru

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    Gigabyte RTX3070
    ok, out of spare parts i was putting together a system to mess around with. i have the asus a8v deluxe mobo with A64 4000+

    now i flashed the bios to 1017. reason for flashing was due to the fact the newer bios would let me use my X2 3800+ i have lying around.

    now i flashed the bios, but upon startup i get the asus screen but it will not load the the bios page, instead it keep trying to load system the ends with a bad check sum error.

    i'm having trouble flashing the bios threw dos. i cant seem to get the pc to load up in DOS mode. my last bootup settings i had in bios was hardrive first, then CD, then Floppy. i cannot get into bios settings to change the boot seq. but doesnt clearing cmos put everything back to normal wich means the floppy would be first boot?

    whats the poper procedures in floppy bios threw dos?
  2. Andrés

    Andrés Guest

    If you have cleared the CMOS then the floppy should be first. However, you can easily force that by unplugging the hard disks and optical drives :)
  3. apintojr

    apintojr Maha Guru

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    Gigabyte RTX3070
    yea i figured that, but its not booting =/
  4. Andrés

    Andrés Guest

    Are you using a USB keyboard?, if so, try using a PS2 keyboard instead.

  5. apintojr

    apintojr Maha Guru

    Likes Received:
    Gigabyte RTX3070
    PS2 KEYBAORD =/. i just read somewhere with asus boards to press alt+F2 on post screen to activate EZ-Flash. gonna try that when i get home.
  6. apintojr

    apintojr Maha Guru

    Likes Received:
    Gigabyte RTX3070
    figured it out. i used the ez-flash from asus. reason all my other methods didnt work cause my dam floppy isnt working. the lights work, sounds like its reading but cpu wont reconize it. anyway i burned the rom to a cd and booted from CD. works now. but for some reason any bios over 1013 wont install properly. so i have 1013. hope that reads my X2 3800
  7. king-dubs

    king-dubs Ancient Guru

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    3090 FE
    You could try flashing with parameters, or flash from inside Windows.
    I flashed my video card by booting with a CD-RW (I don't trust floppies), and I've always flashed my mainboard BIOS from inside windows, without any failures.
  8. Andrés

    Andrés Guest

    Great!!!, I'm happy you sorted it out :)

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