NVIDIA Demos Marvel Spider-Man Remastered at 4k / 200 FPS with DLSS 3

Discussion in 'Frontpage news' started by Hilbert Hagedoorn, Sep 22, 2022.

  1. schmidtbag

    schmidtbag Ancient Guru

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    Asrock 7700XT
    Well, that's part of a greater underlying problem: IMO, most (not all) devs are getting lazy, even on consoles. Why optimize when you can just simply buy more/better/faster hardware to compensate? The problem is, that laziness is starting to outpace what's physically possible with today's technology, hence Dennard scaling being dead. Nvidia doesn't want to seem like they're the problem (and honestly, they're not) but there are people who expect them to be the ones to do all the heavy lifting.

    So you're right, we can't keep relying on brute force - we can only work more intelligently. Since we're too lazy to use our own intelligence, we depend on it artificially.
    Maddness likes this.
  2. mattm4

    mattm4 Master Guru

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    Hmm, did anyone else notice that in the side by side section of the video on Spiderman, that it appears the native side its running at a lower resolution such as 1080p with low or little AA? Its as if the Native gameplay they are showing is of lesser quality, to make DLSS look better.
  3. =GGC=Phantomblu

    =GGC=Phantomblu Member Guru

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    Radeon RX 6900XT
    Don't get caught up in the excitement of the moment. Exceeded 300 fps I would say that it is useless, even before ... Difficult to go below 5 ms. Considering the initial cost of about 2000 euros of a 4090, I would say to stay away from it until there is the next generation...
    Instead, think of an internet connection that makes a difference and not a 4090 for competitive play. Also Competitive Where? Ahahahah
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2022

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