NVIDIA Announces Financial Results for Second Quarter Fiscal 2018

Discussion in 'Frontpage news' started by Hilbert Hagedoorn, Aug 11, 2017.

  1. Hilbert Hagedoorn

    Hilbert Hagedoorn Don Vito Corleone Staff Member

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  2. RzrTrek

    RzrTrek Guest

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    That was to be excepted with low effort Polaris.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2017
  3. Noisiv

    Noisiv Ancient Guru

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    2070 Super
    Funny thing is once upon a time they were equal to ATI.
    With AMD dwarfing both companies. Then NV ran ATI aground, and AMD bought it, overpaid it as the legend goes.
    And the great fear loomed, how is NVDA with its dying dGPU going to survive this terrible new foe who bareth both GPU+CPU and APU. Fast forward 10 years or so, NVDA is dwarfing AMD.

    Some will say: but you're forgetting Intel's unlawful business practices which have hurt AMD, and you would be right. But rest assured that AMD is not the only one on the wrong end of Intel's stick.
    Intel's iGPU and the chipset business and HPC to mention just few where NV is getting hit.

    And AMD did receive just compensation for Intel's dirty practices.
    But that compensation was not big enough to make AMD whole, some will say, and they would be right.

    But that would be missing the real reason behind the current situation which is:
    AMD never found its niche, never found the killer market, never found the killer product, and instead have missed several real opportunities.
    And in all their efforts AMD has always been one step behind, or they have been so far ahead that no one even cared.
  4. Ricepudding

    Ricepudding Master Guru

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    RTX 4090
    Gotta give it up to the underdog though... just a shame really, this amongst investments into new technology and technology they thought would work just haven't worked out for them. Bulldozer was meant to be much better than it was but most software just did not work well with it, and then got trumped in the IPC war with intel... that being said they have come out of nowhere with Ryzen, truely a CPU that holds its own against the blue team.

    Sadly GPU wise they seem to be behind nvidia by a couple of steps, Don't think their GPU market has been doing so great since the 7000 series market (least for top end GPU's)... they still give good bang for the bunk however on their mid/lower end for those that want them

  5. chronek

    chronek Guest

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    Geforce 980 GTX 4GB gddr5
    amd will never be threat to nvidia and intel, because of games... Intel pay many years for run optimized code only on their cpu, nvidia many years pushes their gameworks and closed technology to developers for run games better on their gpu, microsoft rub ther backs with os, api and compiler optimizations... And that big 3 what established monopoly last years will not allow changes, because they like forced business... It is not about technology it is just about money.

    If i had money i would buy threadripper with vega... but have to stick with old intel and nvidia what sucks now days.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2017
  6. D3M1G0D

    D3M1G0D Guest

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    2 x GeForce 1080 Ti
    I'm not sure what happened here. Nvidia thoroughly crushed earnings estimates, and yet the stock tanked big time in after-hours trading. It's still down 5% as of this morning.

    I was hoping for a big rally in the stock, but the exact opposite happened. As an Nvidia stock holder, I am very disappointed... :cry:
  7. holystarlight

    holystarlight Master Guru

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    Nvidia 4090
    Same here, but alot of tech companies tanked after hours, but I'm sure we will see Nvidia on the rise once more soon.
  8. Stormyandcold

    Stormyandcold Ancient Guru

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    RTX3080ti Founders
    I thought you was pro-AMD? Your opinion of them recently seems to be getting more and more negative.
  9. Noisiv

    Noisiv Ancient Guru

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    2070 Super
    I was never pro AMD. In fact I thoroughly despise their populism and penchant for drama.

    But I like their GPUs far more than I like how they run their business.
    Was dead certain on getting Vega...

    As for CPU... will wait for 8700K before deciding, but it looks like it will tick all the right boxes.
    If not, 1600X looks nice enough. But why not 1700 or 1600?
    I'd rather take guaranteed higher clocks than two more cores or having to rely on OC and voltage/TDP lotto.
  10. Aura89

    Aura89 Ancient Guru

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    For the shortest of shortest period of time. Not exactly sure that would make them "equal", more "Hey, ATI got competitive and won some market share!....for 1 whole year....yay...."


  11. tsunami231

    tsunami231 Ancient Guru

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    EVGA 1070Ti Black
    I might never of liked ATI or well AMD now, but i still think they would been better off being there own entity, AMD Barely has the funds for R&D of there CPU but that hurting ATI GPU R&D now or well has been.

    MAybe ThreadRipper and Ryzen will help there R&D, but we wont really know for year or 2 if Ryzen/ThreadRipper gives them the much need cash and breathing room. Reviews are very promising and are one thing, but people need to buy them.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2017
  12. Redemption80

    Redemption80 Guest

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    GALAX 970/ASUS 970
    AMD do really well considering the funds they are working with, and CPU wise they are definitely back on my buy list.

    GPU wise I've not been a fan for years now due to how they conduct themselves, and it seems to be getting worse with Vega.

    Hopefully I'm wrong and it launches as more than a beta product, but everything leaked and even comments from the hardcore AMD fans are suggesting this to be the case.
  13. cowie

    cowie Ancient Guru

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    It was not enough

    plus it was over inflated being up y/y 180% at one point

    so to see it hold tight at 145 or so is still up.
    the stock was 20 bucks or so when I got some, so unless you would be a buy over 100 why fuss?
    it should be at 100 anyway
  14. Stormyandcold

    Stormyandcold Ancient Guru

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    RTX3080ti Founders
    Well, apparently stock holders didn't like the data-centre numbers.

    P.S. Looking at Nvidia's investments, we might want to start saving to build that holodeck room at the back of the house. :nerd:
  15. Corrupt^

    Corrupt^ Ancient Guru

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    Geforce RTX 3090 FE
    That year was the NVIDIA 5800 debacle. Well not really a debacle, they made the wrong bet in terms of which shader techniques were going to be used in games.

    Back then the ATI 9700/9800 suddenly became the king.

    AMD is finally stepping up its CPU game again, now it's time they do the same with their GPU's.

    Sure it's all fun and games offering good budget series, but a lot of todays markets show: If you have the top tier performer, your budget series will also sell better.

    It goes the same with cars quite often. Can't quite put my finger on it, but ever since Audi won Le Mans 24H, one after another, I've seen Audi's pop up all over the place here in Europe and I've seen BMW's decline.

    You don't necessarily have to sell your top dog to everyone, but "being" the top dog sure as hell works marketing wise.

  16. Aura89

    Aura89 Ancient Guru

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    That was actually before hand. The spike you see there happens between Q2 and Q3 of 2004, with the release of the 6000 series from nvidia and X000 series (such as the x800) series from ATI.

    Whereas the FX5000 series and ATI 9700/9800 series was from the beginning of that graph (actually a few quarters before the graph start) until just before the major spike in ATI marketshare.

    FX 5000 series released January 27, 2003

    6000 series released April 14, 2004
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2017
  17. Corrupt^

    Corrupt^ Ancient Guru

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    Geforce RTX 3090 FE
    Damn I'm getting old, can't even remember the FX5000 release date xD
  18. Aura89

    Aura89 Ancient Guru

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    Well, it's not to say that the FX5000 series wasn't the CAUSE of that spike still, i'm sure after people bought the FX5000 series, and the 6000 series came out, people were unsure about nvidia, and jumped ship during the 6000 series, only to come back during the 7000 series lol
  19. schmidtbag

    schmidtbag Ancient Guru

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    Asrock 7700XT
    Actually from what I heard, there were several lawsuits and Intel still owes AMD a lot of money:
    That was 2016 so I'm not sure if that's still true, but I'm guessing it is to some degree. Intel is intentionally taking their time with this.
    Regardless - for someone who seems to dislike AMD's drama, you sure seem to like stirring some of it up yourself pretty often.
    What exactly is Nvidia's niche? Servers?

    People REALLY need to stop thinking stocks are proportionate to a company's success. The drop is correlated to their success, because people who aren't long-term investors wanted to get a quick buck out of Nvidia's success.

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