New Upcoming ATI/AMD GPU's Thread: Leaks, Hopes & Aftermarket GPU's

Discussion in 'Videocards - AMD Radeon' started by OnnA, Jul 9, 2016.

  1. Loophole35

    Loophole35 Guest

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    EVGA 1080ti SC
    Yep could not agree more. I'm optimistic but realistic at the same time. Gaming will never go back to what it used to be.
  2. Truder

    Truder Ancient Guru

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    RX 6700XT Nitro+
    From AMD's point of view though, they don't use blackbox software solutions - TressFX is an open standard - heck in Rise of the Tomb Raider, that's still TressFX but it's been optimised to run well on both vendors and the original TressFX it didn't take long for nVidia to optimise their drivers for it.

    I don't want to split hairs though, it is unfair that sponsored games prefer one vendor over the other but if we give AMD one thing, they encourage open development and better use of APIs available as opposed to using closed source blackbox solutions (this is my only gripe with nVidia sponsorships).

    Another thing about game sponsorships and this goes for both vendors, they help ensure games run well on PC if we compare to console ports, often ports are lazily done with little regard for optimum use of hardware - remember Assassins Creed? Ubisoft released a title that exceeded the number of drawcalls that an API could handle. Though I guess this is the best case scenario of sponsorships.
  3. OnnA

    OnnA Ancient Guru

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    TiTan RTX Ampere UV
    +1 (BTW We all know about it)

    And +3 for this: "...give AMD one thing, they encourage open development and better use of APIs (and new APIs) available as opposed to using closed source blackbox solutions..."

    This is from Metro Exodus (THS to MS game is Xbox X and WinX exclusive, so it will be DX12 game) :



    Also Forza 7 looking really great (DX12 BTW)
    But as always we need more devs to go for new better APIs (Full with SM/VM 6.0) -> Then we can make a progress fast...

    After all it's better in GFX/SFX and Optimisation can be great.
    Some say, but DX12 looks same as DX11 ! yes because that was only optimisations not Full DX12/Vulcan API !

    Games from E3 that looking really great? (Here->
    SW BF2
    NFS and Forza 7
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
  4. Loophole35

    Loophole35 Guest

    Likes Received:
    EVGA 1080ti SC
    Metro and Anthem both look great but Metro is the first truly Next-Gen looking games we have seen on DX12. So looking forward to that game.

  5. Romulus_ut3

    Romulus_ut3 Master Guru

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    NITRO+ RX5700 XT 8G
    And I urge you to learn manners first. It's evident beyond the shadow of a doubt that your head is so deep up your ass, you're starting to believe in your own ****.

    The fact of the matter is, some of your posts are so full of misinformation, it's not even funny. Prey, despite being AMD sponsored, doesn't favor AMD's own hardware over nvidias. Check benchmarks and you'll see the GTX 1060 coming out ahead of the RX 480, The Fury X trailing the GTX 980 Ti. Yet, you somehow brazenly claim that whenever AMD sponsors a title, the game comes out broken. Funny enough, games like Assassin's Creed Unity or Batman Arkham Knight aren't AMD sponsored, quite the opposite. I suppose if AMD and nvidia shouldn't sponsor games, you will with your set of middleware that's readily available and can be integrated into game engines? The more you post, the more it shows that you've little to no idea how games are developed. And sometimes, it's not the sponsors fault. nvidia had nothing to do with the state Arkham Knight was launched, the same is applicable to Prey.

    One last thing, stop telling people what to do. This is a public forum and not your yard. If you can't hold a constructive discussion, that's your problem not mine.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
  6. Loophole35

    Loophole35 Guest

    Likes Received:
    EVGA 1080ti SC
    I love how brazenly bad your reading comprehension is. Have a wonderful day. Remember sweetheart you attacked me first don't act like the victim now.

    I don't like blackbox type software either. I try to avoid Gameworks titles if possible. But don't act as though AMD is always open and transparent. Mantle was never open (even though they said it would be) granted itwas used as a base for DX12 and Vulcan. Honestly I never expected Nvida to utilize Mantle anyways as it was designed from the ground up to leverage GCN Like Gameworks add-ons favor Nvida with tessellation. TressFX eventually was no a mess on Nvidia but it was never going to be optimal on Nvidia as it leveraged GCN strengths.

    Again I don't like devs taking money or software tech from either company. But if they did I wish they would only utilize what they deem to be useable for both vendors.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
  7. OnnA

    OnnA Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    TiTan RTX Ampere UV
  8. PrMinisterGR

    PrMinisterGR Ancient Guru

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    Inno3D RTX 3090
    Mantle was made to make a point, and it made it. NVIDIA only disparaged it as an effort, saying:
    They stated that they won't be part of any effort with low level APIs, and that they don't see the benefit or value to it, which is as PR as it gets.

    After Mantle made its point, it was open sourced and donated to the Khronos Group. It doesn't get any more open than actually offering it in to your competitor who says it sees no value, and then opensourcing it for everyone (you'll have Vulkan in all of your newer Android phones, for example).

    Seeing how Vulkan was almost immediately demoed using multiple types of hardware, just after AMD donated the code, I can't see how NVIDIA would have been in a disadvantage if they really wanted in. It has nothing to do with how Gameworks works, you confuse a graphics API, with closed source effects libraries that have to stand on an API. TressFX is open and NVIDIA runs it just fine, it's just that their cards have a compute deficiency compared to AMDs.

    As a philosophical conversation, I would argue that compute is a much more future-looking approach to gaming than pure triangle throughput. The first GPU that actually seems balanced in both fronts seems to be Vega, but I'll be holding on for actual tests with that one.
  9. Skinner

    Skinner Master Guru

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    Gigabyte RTX 4090
    Wow, Metro Exodus looks great, truly 3d :banana::eek3:
    Anthem and SWBF2 also.
  10. Loophole35

    Loophole35 Guest

    Likes Received:
    EVGA 1080ti SC
    But why would Nvidia use Mantle when it was developed as low level API for GCN? That's like Nvidia making a low level API based on CUDA then saying AMD can use it if they want. AMD would politely decline as well.

    Vulcan is a mismatch/melting pot of open GL and Mantle and tends to work better on AMD's GCN based architecture. But with gaming API's moving towards compute they (Nvidia) need to stop being stubborn and adapt. We shall see though. Vega and Volta will be interesting.

  11. Romulus_ut3

    Romulus_ut3 Master Guru

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    NITRO+ RX5700 XT 8G
    LMFAO for that Vulkan description.
  12. Loophole35

    Loophole35 Guest

    Likes Received:
    EVGA 1080ti SC
    Key word is derived

    If you read even further into this statement it tips the hat to Mantle never being cross-platform.
  13. Maddness

    Maddness Ancient Guru

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    3080 Aorus Xtreme
    It certainly does. Here's hoping the game play world actually looks like this. Will take some pretty serious hardware to run it, by the looks.
  14. PrMinisterGR

    PrMinisterGR Ancient Guru

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    Inno3D RTX 3090
    Mantle was an API. It wasn't specifically written for GCN, but GCN drivers were written first for it. Vulkan is no mismatch at all. Hell, the president of Khronos Group is an NVIDIA employee, I don't even know how you can say that.

    It doesn't work better with GCN, it's just that with it you don't need Hudini drivers to feed a GPU.
  15. Loophole35

    Loophole35 Guest

    Likes Received:
    EVGA 1080ti SC
    *snip edit* meh it's not even worth it anymore.
    And mismatch was prolly not the best description. More like the greatest hits.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017

  16. PrMinisterGR

    PrMinisterGR Ancient Guru

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    Inno3D RTX 3090
  17. OnnA

    OnnA Ancient Guru

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    TiTan RTX Ampere UV
    P. Spencer: Xbox One X Most Powerful Console By Wide Margin; We Don’t Hold Back Content from Other Platforms

    Head of Xbox division Phil Spencer was just featured in a big interview with Eurogamer from E3 2017. Among various topics, he took a pretty clear stab at Sony’s marketing deals that purposely hold back content from other platforms, such as Destiny and its sequel for instance.

    He also said that clearly, the Xbox One X is the most powerful console by quite a wide margin (making a direct comparison to PlayStation 4 Pro, obviously).

    I will give you an honest answer. Xbox One X is the most powerful console ever built, and this fall it will be the most powerful console in the market. There’s nothing technically that would keep any game a console game maker is building who wants to take advantage of the capability here from making Xbox One X the very best version of every one of those games.

    I don’t know what deals get written. I’ve been pretty open about, I’m not a fan of doing deals that hold back specific pieces of content from other platforms. You don’t see that in the deals we’ve done with Assassin’s and Shadow. We’ll have a marketing deal on those, but I don’t say, hey, I need some kind of Strike or skin somebody else can’t play.

    I don’t think it’s good for our industry if we got into a point where people are holding back the technical innovation of game developers based on a marketing deal.
    I don’t know anything about what’s in other people’s deals. But this, clearly, from a technical perspective, is the most powerful console by quite a wide margin. So, when I stood on-stage and I said this will be the best place to play all those games, there’s nothing technically that would keep any developer from not making that true.

    Admittedly, that practice of holding back content such as Strikes in Destiny 2 is quite dreadful. Incidentally, last night Activision revealed the one-year timed Destiny 2 exclusive content for PlayStation 4: a competitive multiplayer map, a three-player cooperative Strike, a blue and white colored ship, legendary armor sets, and an exotic sniper rifle.
  18. Tuga

    Tuga Guest

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    nvidia 670 gtx
    I still remember how they made pc halo 2 vista only ..
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
  19. Loophole35

    Loophole35 Guest

    Likes Received:
    EVGA 1080ti SC
    It was fine when they had timed exclusives though right? RotTR, map packs for COD and many more. Sounds like he wants to take his ball and go home.

    Remember this was the company that was going to lock disks to your account, require your console to connect to the internet just to play a single player game and require you to buy the Kenect even though you didn't want it. Yeah you guys are for the gamers. GTFOH
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
  20. Redemption80

    Redemption80 Guest

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    GALAX 970/ASUS 970
    It's different leadership so maybe turning over a new leaf.

    Hopefully that is the case, but he will be the person that gets the abuse if something in the future gets exclusive content.
    Paying for exclusive content is likely expensive as well, so there is a financial incentive for them.

    Just noticed what thread this is, assuming that was posted here because it's an AMD GPU?? Not sure if it quite fits though.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017

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