After hours testing... Watch Dogs (E3 Bloom effect working)

Discussion in 'Game Tweaks and Modifications' started by TheWorse, Jun 12, 2014.

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  1. SoloCreep

    SoloCreep Guest

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    That wind at 2:27 is from the helicopter and its happened in my game before I ever added any mods. So yeah, it happens even in a non modded game. When the helicopter gets low or you're up high enough like on a building, it will blow dust, water, debris.
  2. jason200089

    jason200089 Guest

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    GTX 680 4gb FTW
    If you don't mind me asking TheWorse Would you be willing to let me work with you on this mod, I'm not looking for credit. I just want to help you. If you could please lemme know.
  3. Warpy

    Warpy Guest

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    Yeah I concur! For all i care this fella could come from the planet zorg, if he can produce that level of detail and tweaking then unban him and start supporting his work. No need for competition between the two demi god's...
  4. Chilean4ssassin

    Chilean4ssassin Guest

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    Music and Police actitude

    Could you try to modify them like in the trailers?
    Actually Music was a lot better in older trailers
    The same with the cops' actitude

  5. register128

    register128 Guest

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    ASus GTX 1080 STRIX OC
    @ TheWorse: THANK YOU for your great MOD for WD :thumbup:

    Its amazing to see the changes during the Updates!!! I really love it :)

    Please continue with your great work :thumbup:

    Its like playing a total different game, like Watch Dogs by Ubisoft and another Watch Dogs by TheWorse.

  6. TheWorse

    TheWorse Guest

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    Thank you guys! And I'll include 2 bloom presets one being the e3 bloom and another one which should be what people wanted (toned down bloom)

    Anamorphic lensflares is the next thing. The fog I'll try to implement at night is the same fog used in day but needs to be tweaked in order to have a proper ammount, distance and such, this should make the game feel a little more real.
  7. Nonlin

    Nonlin Guest

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    I actually think the performance hit on ultra came from the fact that they disabled many E3 options. Playing it with E3 setting has removed the major stuttering issue I was having and the game looks better.
  8. SoloCreep

    SoloCreep Guest

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    RTX 2080 TI
    use this

  9. mangaroo

    mangaroo Master Guru

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    780 GTX Ti SC
    ^ **** off already and get your eyes checked.
  10. Jackhell

    Jackhell Guest

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    gtx 760
    had to register and say thanks. while i can't see a really big difference in the graphics quality compared to the default settings, your DOF makes this game 10 times better while i also have no stuttering anymore, very good work!

  11. SoloCreep

    SoloCreep Guest

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    Whether is looks like the E3 demo or not. It looks a lot better than default. If you do not think it looks better, fine. Leave and don't come back. You do not need to keep posting the same comments over and over. God damn troll.
  12. TheWorse

    TheWorse Guest

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    I never said this was E3 Mod LOL, just E3 Bloom for instance. And the rest of the effects were negible or non existent like the dynamic shadows of the headlights which i had to tweak in order to even be playable, and still is not perfect because it wasn't designed like this.

    The lighting of watchdogs is not gone, the shaders used to control the lighting should still be somewhere unless they really removed them and I don't think so because still many e3 files are there.
  13. TheLastOfUs

    TheLastOfUs Guest

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    I'm not posting to troll - just keeping it real. Not saying TheWorse that you are not doing good...just that realistically it's not a big leap in terms of the visual fidelity seen in E3 2012.

    The fact is the rain is gone yes...and the E3 2012 explosions also gone right? Lighting...I doubt that is what people were super impressed with during E3 2012.

    Every preview during 2012 stated two things:

    wow the rain looked amazing
    and Oh wow did you see that epic explosion?!
  14. levcat

    levcat Guest

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    I think it's important to remember that Ubisoft definitely screwed over their customers without a doubt and to remember that before preordering or buying any of their games in the future.

    That being said, it's ok to make the best of a bad situation even though I wont be replaying the game any time soon since I already finished it way before any 'mods' were available.

    All around crappy situation for sure and I hope people remember this when The Division preorder comes out.
  15. Warpy

    Warpy Guest

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    I think the fog and wind will be the number one deal breakers so far as immersion is concerned, once this has been implemented the game will become a lot more life like.

    On a side note, Nvidia and UBISOFT reps are all over this thread by the way :3eyes:

  16. TheLastOfUs

    TheLastOfUs Guest

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    I cannot wait for that downgrade...LOL
  17. mangaroo

    mangaroo Master Guru

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  18. Shinigami_Kiba

    Shinigami_Kiba Member

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    This is in response to TheLastofUS and the gifs he posted, the quote thing didn't work for me:

    The overkill bloom happens when people who aren't much into art and stuff discover a new effect and they tend to be impressed by it and overuse it, adjust it to high volume and so forth, this also happens to many new design students, so professors, at least at my college immediately address the issue and discourage the use of effects.

    I don't blame TheWorse for this because the guy is a programmer not an artist as far as I'm aware.

    Now with the 0.6 levels of bloom and saturation the game looks just right, however in order for it to look like in the gifs posted above we need BETTER CHARACTER LIGHTING! This may or may not be something that can be easily done by The Worse at the moment, I don't know, I'm an illustrator for children's books and computer stuff...isn't my strong suit :)

    However what I do know is that as I said in a previous post, in order to get the game to look as good as the E3 trailer we need the characters to be lit in-game the same way they are lit during cutscenes and since the cutscenes are realtime this is probably possible.

    BUT, as is the case with the headlights shadows, chances are this new lighting will cause glitches, there is a reason ubisoft disabled headlight shadows and I'm certain it's not because PS4 or Xbox One couldn't handle them bur rather because there are conflicts with the lights when they overlap each other and such.

    I've done my share of 3d modeling, not for games, granted I'm not the best at it, far from it, but I've done it for class and such and I can tell you this, there's a lot that goes into lighting and rendering, be that realtime or pre rendered, lighting and shadows are always a tricky thing to get right from a technical perspective especially form what I understand in a realtime environment.

    So again, in time possibly the game's in-game character lighting will be made so it is more similar to that of the cutscenes but chances are it won't be a simple process.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2014
  19. levcat

    levcat Guest

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    This is what's so annoying about this whole situation, there's so much work and tweaking that needs to be done that this mod will take months for modders to get even close to 'right', and most of us have already finished the game so now it's just a hobby and we're all just doing it for the fun of pixel-peeping a supposed 'next-gen' game that was left unfinished.

    Whatever, have good night everyone.
  20. Keiradish

    Keiradish Guest

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    Made an account to post...

    I downloaded the 0.7 mod version from OP, Put it where it said too, and opened the file it said to, but I didn't have a Quality="_runtime"

    I tried to CTRL+F to find it, but no luck.
    I'm no coder and willing to admit that, so I don't wanna go screwing with **** not knowing what it does...

    This is my entire Gamerprofile.xml file.

     - <GamerProfile bFirstUplayBoot="1" bFirstMPBoot="1" bNeverShowUplayFlow="0" bAskAgainLaterToS="0">
      <SoundProfile MusicEnabled="1" GlobalVolume="100" MusicVolume="100" LicencedMusicVolume="100" SFXVolume="100" VoiceVolume="100" AutoplayMusicInVehicles="1" VoiceChatEnabled="1" VoiceChatPlaybackVolume="50" /> 
    - <RenderProfile PCCustomTextureQuality="high" PCCustomAntialiasingQuality="msaa8x" RAWCPUScore="1267.93" AlphaToCoverage="0" ResolutionX="1920" ResolutionY="1080" Quality="ultra" QualityEditor="pc_editor" WindowMode="1" WindowPosX="-1" WindowPosY="-1" Force16_9="1" ForceWidescreen="0" WidescreenFOV="0" OutputScalingFactor="1" AspectRatio="0" VSync="0" MaxPrerenderedFrames="5" RefreshRate="60" MaxDriverBufferedFrames="0" ShowFPS="0" IsCalibrationSetup="1" ClustersZPassMaxLOD="1" NewBrightness="1" Contrast_v3="1" NewGammaRamp="1" GammaRampR="1" GammaRampG="1" GammaRampB="1" AllowAsynchShaderLoading="1">
    - <CustomQuality>
      <quality ResolutionX="1280" ResolutionY="720" EnvironmentQuality="ultra" AntiPortalQuality="pc" PostFxQuality="high" TextureQuality="pc" TextureResolutionQuality="medium" WaterQuality="ultra" ParaboloidReflectionQuality="ultra" DepthPassQuality="pc" VegetationQuality="ultra" TerrainQuality="ultra" GeometryQuality="ultra" LodDitheringQuality="pc" ShadowQuality="ultra" ShadingQuality="high" RoadQuality="pc" EditorQuality="pc" ParticlesQuality="ultra" DeferredFxQuality="console" HDR="1" SuperSampling="0" HighPrecisionNormal="1" RenderSplashes="1" RenderRain="0" MotionBlurQuality="pc" SSAOQuality="hbao+_high" DepthOfFieldQuality="pc" AntiAliasingQuality="fxaa" id="_runtime" /> 
      <NetworkProfile EnableNatTraversal="1" VoiceChatEnabled="1" OnlineEnginePort="9000" OnlineServicePort="9001" LanHostBroadcastPort="9004" LanClientBroadcastPort="9005" ScanFreePorts="1" ScanPortRange="1000" ScanPortStart="9000" /> 
    - <GameProfile Sensitivity="0.9" MouseLookSensitivityX="50" MouseLookSensitivityY="50" MouseInvertX="0" MouseInvertY="0" UseMouseSmooth="0" Smoothness="1" Sprint_UseToggle="0" Stroll_UseToggle="0" Gamepad_vibration="1" UseCompassMiniMap="1" UseRoadSignHilight="1" UseSubtitles="1" UseReticle="1" UseWaypoint="1" UseHintsAndTutorial="1" UsePdaNotification="1" UseMinimap="1" UseDynamicMission="1" UseItemAndRewards="1" UseMissionUpdate="1" UseFelony="1" UseEquipmentAndTools="1" UseAmbx="0" DifficultyLevel="1" IEn="1" NeutralFireEnabled="0" FriendlyFireEnabled="0" selGamepadControlScheme="0" CameraSpeedCoefficient="1" CameraSensitivityCoefficient="1" CameraInvertX="0" CameraInvertY="0" selAimAssist="1" selDifficulty="1">
      <FireConfig QualitySetting="VeryHigh" /> 
      <AutoConsoleCommands /> 
      <RealTreeProfile /> 
    - <EngineProfile>
      <PhysicConfig QualitySetting="VeryHigh" /> 
    - <ControlMapProfile>
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      <Nav_Right Device="%$FFFFFFFF" Control="%$FFFFFFFF" /> 
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      <Vehicle_RadioOnOff Device="%$FFFFFFFF" Control="%$FFFFFFFF" /> 
      <Vehicle_RadioSkip Device="%$FFFFFFFF" Control="%$FFFFFFFF" /> 
      <Vehicle_Handbrake Device="%$FFFFFFFF" Control="%$FFFFFFFF" /> 
      <Vehicle_LookBack Device="%$FFFFFFFF" Control="%$FFFFFFFF" /> 
      <Vehicle_Horn Device="%$FFFFFFFF" Control="%$FFFFFFFF" /> 
      <Vehicle_HideInCar Device="%$FFFFFFFF" Control="%$FFFFFFFF" /> 


    Side Question: SweetFX, I've been seeing a lot about it lately, and am curious, since I know nothing of it at this point in time.

    I am a wow addict, can I use it with WoW to enhance the experience?
    Any game really...
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2014
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