Shadow Warrior - Reimagining

Discussion in 'Games, Gaming & Game-demos' started by Damien_Azreal, May 10, 2013.

  1. Dorak

    Dorak Guest

    Likes Received:
    Not in insane difficulty though. Kills only one demon.
  2. JonasBeckman

    JonasBeckman Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    XFX 7900XTX M'310
    You can press Ctrl+Tilde (~) to toggle the in-game console prompt, quite useful for advanced tweaking. :)

    EDIT: Or changing the sword appearance to any available option. :D
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    g_player_sword *

    w1_sword = Normal

    w1_sword_energetic = Zilla Energy Blade

    w1_sword_sw_classic = Classic Sword

    w1_sword_hotline_miami = Hotline Katana

    w1_sword_SS3_sledgehammer = Serious Sam 3 Sledgehammer

    w1_sword_saints_row = Purple "bat"

    EDIT: Full list of commands but taken direct from the exe so it's pretty disorganized.

    / \ true false generic default data\localisation\ .uni squirrel fEmissiveMultiplier fAlphaMultiplier fColoring fAlphaTest fFresnelColor BaseUVScaleScroll vDistanceFadeOut q_World GetPC qm_Achievements ClearAchievements CheckAchievements AddAchievement q_Common q_Templates q_aiManager q_TriggerEvents q_Editor q_MeshViewer q_menuManager q_StringTable qm_Area qm_Template qm_Parent qm_User GetRecordingData SetCameraPosition SetFreeCamPosition qm_Profile qm_ProfileTime qm_ProfileExpTotal qm_ProfileTotalSecrets qm_ProfileKills qm_ProfileKillsByEnv qm_ProfileViolenceActions qm_ProfileDamageApplied qm_ProfileDestructions qm_ProfileDeaths qm_ProfileSecretsCnt qm_ProfileDamageReceived qm_Id qm_ID AddExplosionBurn QEffectBurn QEffectInfo CauseEffect GetObjectByName Update WarmupUpdate Release PausedUpdate PostPhysics CameraDependentUpdate ListenToBloodSettings ExternalSetParams printVal SetDifficulty GetArea Get Has SaveWorld LoadWorld reload ReloadScripts ReloadAI QuickLookToggle immortal StartGame RestartGame GetTemplate SimplifyTemplate CheckTemplate QSaveGameSystem SaveGameRequest LoadMap CEntitySkinnedMesh_StartDissolve GetById TemplateName GetTemplateName AgentEvent OnJump AddGlobalEvent X Y Z W Speed Importance NoticeNewCreature NoticeCreatureDeleted TestAutodelete CreateProfile Load Save Event EntityAnimatixActiveChanged SetInstanceVisible SetInstanceHelperVisible OnSelected OnTemplateInstanceRemoved OnTemplateInstanceAdded OnFieldUpdated Edit GetCurrentLevelName EnableSimulation CloneTemplate CloneEvent RemoveEvent AddEvent GetEventProperty SetEventProperty PauseAnimation OnEventFromEditor GetPosition GetOrientation SetPosition SetPaused PlayAnimation IsPlayingAnimation CheckAnimFinished GetCurrentAnimationLength GetEvents RemoveEventCustomProperty SetEventCustomProperty GetDummy SaveAnimationData Reset Private MissionObjectives GetObjective Hints Title Description Status SubObjectives OnObjectLeavesPlayspace OnLand EntityVisibleEvent FlyMode AllowJump AllowMove AllowCrouch IsPlayerActive PCFire PCFireStop PCSpecialPowerOn PCSpecialPowerOff PCSelectSpecialPower AllowChangeWeapon GetWeaponSlot PCSelectWeaponMode PCSelectWeapon PCWeaponNext PCWeaponLast PCWeaponCircle HasWeaponCircle SetWeaponCircle PCHoji IsCameraFree LoadAnimation texture renderBlended groupPlayer lightningsNumber startFxTraceGeometry endFxTraceGeometry endFxTraceGeometryFromStart startRadius endRadius startMaxCone endMaxCone startJumpChance endJumpChance startMoveSpeed endMoveSpeed visibleTime hiddenTime blendOutTime armPosition armTimeBetween armSize armLifeTime armBlendOutTime armScale armAngle segmentWidth segmentWidthScaleAtStart segmentWidthScaleLength segmentLength segmentLengthScale segmentMaxMoveDist segmentMoveTime segmentNotMoveTime segmentShowTime segmentBlendTime segmentFxGap movingTexWidth movingTexturePerMeter movingTextureSpeed softnessStartDistance UpdateProfile AllowAutoPause AchievementsMax AchievementsPointsMax GetVideos GetAchievementPoints GetAchievementProgress GetPlayerStatistics GetPlaythroughtDeaths GetPlaythroughtLevelTotalTime GetSecretsTotal GetLevelTotalPoints GetLevelTotalPointsMax GetExpTotal LevelsPoints LevelPoints ClearLevelPoints SetLevelPoints TotalPoints SecretsMax XP GetAutoAimCurrent LevelTime Secrets AchievementsUnlocked AchievementsPoints Kills KillsByEnv DamageApplied Destructions DamageReceived StartShowAnim AnimatixEvent UpdateQueuedEvents ClearQueuedEvents IsAnimHidden StartInitAnimation IsPlaying SetPlaying StartHideAnim IsWeaponHolstered CanUse AllowAutoAim Init InitReady Bottom Top Size Push Pop Clear LoadMapInternal LoadSaveGameInternal LoadingIsCompleted LoadingWarmupEnded TrySaveGame InitTime AllowBriefing LoadingWarmup ShowAchievementUnlocked GetDifficulty Serialize Deserialize constructor GetObjectName ObjectEnteredPhantom ObjectLeftPhantom ParticleHitPhantom serialize type Data Code time ForceOnDeactivation SkipOnFastForward SkipIfNotForced PlaySound StopSounds Sound Volume Pitch Probability BindToActor Attachment DontPlayIfSoundsOnLayer Layer Range Events _set _originalOrientation HandleAnimationEvent RecalculateLevelStats SetVideo Mapping Pinned Bone Part RagdollPartId Parts PinnedBone BoneTransforms Transform ReattachedBone Limbs QDamageInfo CForceInfo IgnoreExplosionForce ApplyDamage Immortal DamageReceivedRadius DamageReceivedHeight OnExplosionDamage qm_oidWeapon qm_oidSecondaryWeapon Name DefaultNodeAnimations SpawnWaveParticle IsActive Activate Blocks className Path Class SynchronizeWithWeapon SynchronizeWithSecondaryWeapon DefaultState Blend BlendIn BlendOut Animations Animation MasterWeight Remapped ResetAnimation Forever BaseDuration IsStartingState Signal AnimationSignal MultiSignal Type Attached NoDefaultTransitions NoDefaultTransitionsIn Transitions TransitionsIn DefaultTransitions Target EventData EventUseAnimationId LegsAnimations Default Crouch LeftHand AnimationSet AnimationSets Overlays Special Common Weapons BodyAnimations BodyAnimationsDefaultTransitions Movement DefaultAnimationSet DefaultNodeHandler OnInit OnExit DefaultNodeAllowFire FirePoseOn FirePoseOff IsFirePose Dynamic TurnRate ControlZ ControlTurn ReportCollisions LookAtEnabled Override OverrideBone OverrideBoneHierarchy InputAnimations OverrideAnimations MultiStates idle flight turnL turnR turn90L turn90R turn180L turn180R turnBlendedL0 turnBlendedL90_1 turnBlendedL90_2 turnBlendedL180 turnBlendedR0 turnBlendedR90_1 turnBlendedR90_2 turnBlendedR180 FreezeAnimation RunAnimation SynchronizeProgress SynchronizeProgressInverted IdleAnimation ShakeAnimations RollAnimations MovementAnimations ShakeBone RollBone MovementBone OverrideableAnimationSpeedBy SynchronizeWith UseFloatTracks KeyframedMovement NoCollisionDetection PCReloadWeapon PCZoom PCZoomToggle PCUse PCFastAttack PCFlashlight CustomAnimationFinished SynchronizeWithAttachment DisableIK SignalOnInit SignalOnExit SpeedMultiplier TurnSpeedMultiplier CustomFlags DefaultNodeCustomFlags SignalOnEnable SignalOnDisable DisableFire AI_Die FlyerHitEnviroment SetControlDisablingFlag SetFireDisablingFlag ProceduralTransformBone IsInUse MaxYaw MaxPitch YawRatio PitchRatio MinX MaxX MinY MaxY SourceBone1 SourceBone2 SourceX SourceY SourceZ Weight __ot __ci __ca __SqTypes UseVelocity UseSelectedMesh UseAnimpathPosition UseWorldPosition VelocityMultiplier Verts Loop RestartOnLoop UseVertsT T Position Orientation Smooth Duration EnablePathStartEvents SetTangentOrientation SetTangentOrientation_UseObjOrient SetTangentOrientationUp TimeTarget TimeProgress FireEvent OnPathStarted OnPathCompleted Deactivate GetId GetWorldPosition GetWorldOrientation SetPrivateVal GetPrivateVal _animPathControlled _animPathControlledRecently AnimEvents IKType KneeAxisBS KneeAngleMin KneeAngleMax AnkleHeightPlanted AnkleHeightRaised AnkleHeightMin AnkleHeightMax BoneFoot BoneKnee BoneHip LegLeft LegRight UseFootLocking Joint1 Joint2 Joint3 Effector TraceOffsetMS HingeAxisMS HeightMinToJoint1 HeightMaxToJoint1 HeightPlanted HeightRaised IK_Control Look_Control Enable ErrorWeight RaycastDistanceDown RaycastDistanceUp GroundAscendingGain GroundDescendingGain PlantedGain RaisedGain GetAchievementTier eventViewportResized eventExecAutoexec eventRunBenchmark eventCook eventSystemInitFinalize eventPushMainMenu eventAddClipboardObserver Jump generic generic generic data/materials/generic quit menu ingame_stats start_level menu_objectives menu_hints menu_achievements ingame_status menu_upgrades menu_recorder exec vid_restart r_screenshot r_screenshot_3d r_shader_list_save r_shader_list_load pause pause_debug sqrun imbad restart save load quicksave quickload help _version buy_game achievements s_time_multiplier un******_textures benchmark bind toggle map tex_report +weapon_circle -weapon_circle +move_forward -move_forward +move_back -move_back +move_left -move_left +move_right -move_right +crouch -crouch crouch_toggle +weapon_reload -weapon_reload +move_up -move_up +move_down -move_down +rotate_left -rotate_left +rotate_right -rotate_right +look_up -look_up +look_down -look_down +jump -jump +sprint -sprint +attack -attack +zoom -zoom zoom_toggle +attack2 -attack2 +attack3 -attack3 +use -use fast_attack flashlight_toggle special_attack_select special_attack_next special_attack_prev select_weapon weapon_next weapon_prev weapon_last gizmo_mode_toggle gizmo_space_toggle p_debug_memory p_debug_ragdoll p_debug_world_snapshot a_cache_info v_activate_occluder fx_dump_stats default: Render sync 2 r_sync Vertical field of view - real 65 r_fov Vertical field of view - real 50 r_weapon_fov Vertical field of view - real 45 r_menu_fov Show frames per second 0 r_show_fps Show camera position coordinates 0 r_show_cam_pos Show system stats 0 r_show_system_stats Show object bounding boxes 0 r_show_box Show mesh skinned bounding boxes 0 r_show_box_mesh_static Show mesh skinned bounding boxes 0 r_show_box_mesh_skinned Show translucent object bounding boxes 0 r_show_box_translucent Show particle bounding boxes 0 r_show_box_particle Show off screen bounding boxes 0 r_show_box_offscreen Show light bounding boxes 0 r_show_box_light Show shadow light bounding boxes 0 r_show_box_light_shadow Show flare bounding boxes 0 r_show_box_flare Show lightning bounding boxes 0 r_show_box_lightning Show animatix bounding boxes 0 r_show_box_animatix Show animatix chunks bounding boxes 0 r_show_box_animatix_chunks Show rain boxes 0 r_show_box_rain_box Show fog volumes 0 r_show_box_fog_volume Show flares 0 r_show_flares Show shadow casters 0 r_show_shadow_casters Show shadow casters local r_show_shadow_casters_local Show object local basis 0 r_show_basis Show lights bounding spheres 0 r_show_lights Show shadow lights bounding spheres/cones 0 r_show_lights_shadow Show shadow lights point bounding spheres/cones 0 r_show_lights_shadow_point Show shadow lights spot bounding spheres/cones 0 r_show_lights_shadow_spot Show particle lights quads 0 r_show_lights_particle Show particles quads 0 r_show_particles Show simulated particles 0 r_show_sim_particles Show debug grid 0 r_show_grid Show paths 0 p_agent_paths Show ps 0 p_agent_ps Show velocities 0 p_agent_vel Show triggers 0 r_triggers Show triggers 0 r_flyer_zones Show safe frame 0 r_show_safe_frame Show rain map 0 r_show_rain_map Show profilers 1 _obsolete_r_show_profilers Show profilers history (number of entries, 0 to disable) 100 _obsolete_r_show_profilers_history Show object names 0 r_show_name Show light names 0 r_show_name_light Show particle names 0 r_show_name_particle Window x coordinate 100 r_win_pos_x Window y coordinate 100 r_win_pos_y Width of window screen viewport 1280 r_win_width Height of window screen viewport 720 r_win_height Max width of game viewport 1920 r_max_game_vp_width Max height of game viewport 1080 r_max_game_vp_height Widowed mode with fixed backbuffer size 0 r_windowed_fixed_backbuffer Fullscreen mode 1 r_fullscreen Fullscreen aspect r_fullscreen_aspect Fullscreen modes r_fullscreen_modes Fullscreen refresh rates for current mode r_fullscreen_refreshes Fullscreen monitor 0 r_fullscreen_monitor Width of fullscreen screen viewport 1280 r_fullscreen_width Height of fullscreen screen viewport 1024 r_fullscreen_height VSync 0 r_vsync Tripple buffering toggle 0 r_tripple_buffering Toggle draw sorting 1 r_sort Visibility toggle 2 r_vis Mipmap LOD bias 0 r_mip_lod 3 r_anisotropy Enable rendering thread 1 r_render_thread Enable shader cache 1 r_shader_cache Enable shader cache preload 0 r_shader_cache_preload Enable shader cache asm saving 0 r_shader_cache_save_asm Texture quality mip offset 0 r_mip_cap Max mip map level 0 r_mip_max 0 r_texture_quality 2 r_particle_quality Draw fragments sorting mode 0 r_sort_mode only 2 last 1 first 0 Load DDS textures order 0 r_load_dds Max primitives per DIP 65536 r_max_prims Min primitives per DIP 0 r_min_prims Dump render lists 0 r_dump_render_lists Enable wireframe mode 0 r_wireframe Enable wireframe mode for lights geometry 0 r_wireframe_lights Gamma 1 r_gamma Merge skinned mesh dips 1 r_merge_dips Discard dynamic vertex buffers 1 r_discard_buffers Preload texture thumbnails 0 r_preload_thumbs Do not regenerate thumbs with invalid timestamp 1 r_regenerate_only_missing_thumbs Decals z-bias offset 0.0001 r_decals_z_bias Decals z-bias offset for weapons 0.0006 r_decals_z_bias_weapon Mirror position threshold 0.3 r_decals_mirror_position_threshold Mirror normal threshold 0.05 r_decals_mirror_normal_threshold Camera far z 3000.0 r_farZ Camera near z 0.1 r_nearZ Simulate draws 1 r_draw_simulation LOD for skinned meshes 0 r_lod_skinned_meshes LOD for skinned decals 0 r_lod_skinned_decals LOD for skinned meshes distance 5.0 r_lod_skinned_meshes_distance Foliage LOD 0 r_lod_foliage Foliage range multiplier 1.0f r_foliage_range_multiplier Foliage range in Z 15.0f r_foliage_range_z Foliage scale distance radius 5.0f r_foliage_scale_distance Foliage scale distance for Z 5.0f r_foliage_scale_distance_z Foliage show boxes 0 r_foliage_show_boxes Foliage quality 2 r_foliage_quality Blinking enabled 1 r_blink_enabled Blink freq 12.56 r_blink_frequency_1 Blink freq 0.2 r_blink_frequency_2 Blink amp 1.0 r_blink_amplitude_1 Blink amp 1.0 r_blink_amplitude_2 Blink amp 1.0 r_blink_duration_1 Blink amp 3.0 r_blink_duration_2 Blink amp 0.5 r_blink_delay_1 Blink amp 0.0 r_blink_delay_2 Blink color 0xFFFFFFFF r_blink_color_1 Blink color 0xFFFF8800 r_blink_color_2 Blink peaks 1 r_blink_peaks_1 Blink peaks -1 r_blink_peaks_2 Stereo eye separation 0.0 r_stereo_eye_separation Stereo eye separation 0.0 r_stereo_separation Stereo convergence 0.35 r_stereo_convergence Stereo enable 0 r_stereo_enable Async IO enable 1 r_async_io_enable Async IO enable texture ******ing 1 r_async_io_enable_texture_******ing Async IO buffer size in MB 64 r_async_io_buffer Count textures in range 40 r_tex_in_range Textures LRU cache size in MB 250 r_tex_lru_size Show BSP 0 v_show_bsp Show Grid 0 v_show_grid Show Boxes 0 v_show_boxes Show Events 0 v_show_events Show Frustums 0 v_show_frustum Show Beam Tree 0 v_show_beamtree Show Half Edge 0 v_show_halfedge Use sectors in editor 0 v_use_sectors_in_editor Grid check sector of each object 1 v_grid_check_sector Grid check boxes of each object 3 v_grid_check_boxes Check boxes as boxes (fast) or as convexes (good) 0 v_grid_check_boxes_as_convex Grid sanity check 0 v_grid_sanity_check Insert occluders from BSP into BeamTree 2 v_bsp_insert_into_beamtree Max number of occluders inserted into Beam Tree 1000 v_max_occluders Show convex by convexId -1 v_show_convex Show split by nodeId -1 v_show_split Show objectId -1 v_show_object Show sectors 0 v_show_sector Lock visibility 0 v_lock Show only always visible object 0 v_only_always_visible Draw cables 1 r_draw_cables Draw particles 1 r_draw_particles Draw mesh particles 1 r_draw_mesh_particles Draw meshes 1 r_draw_meshes Draw meshes translucent 1 r_draw_meshes_translucent Draw dynamic geometry 1 r_draw_dyn_meshes Draw level meshes 1 r_draw_level_meshes Draw skinned meshes 1 r_draw_skinned_meshes Draw lights 1 r_draw_lights Draw lights directional 1 r_draw_lights_directional Draw lights ambient cube 1 r_draw_lights_ambient_cube Draw lights tube 1 r_draw_lights_tube Draw lights angle tube 1 r_draw_lights_angle_tube Draw lights spot 1 r_draw_lights_spot Draw lights point 1 r_draw_lights_point Draw lights particle 1 r_draw_lights_particle Draw translucents 1 r_draw_translucents Draw translucents gun 1 r_draw_translucents_gun Draw translucents gun 2 1 r_draw_translucents_gun2 Draw opaques 1 r_draw_opaques Draw opaques skybox 1 r_draw_opaques_skybox Draw opaques 1 r_draw_invisible_sun_shaft_blockers Draw weapon 1 r_draw_weapon Draw decals 1 r_draw_decals Draw decals 1 r_draw_decals_skinned Draw overlay 1 r_draw_overlay Draw HUD 1 r_draw_hud Draw HUD refraction 1 r_draw_hud_refraction Draw HUD console 1 r_draw_hud_console Draw flares 1 r_draw_flares Draw lens flares 1 r_draw_lens_flares Lens flares blur strength 0.01 r_lens_flares_blur_strength Draw animatix 1 r_draw_animatix Draw animatix black bg while editing 1 r_draw_animatix_debug_bg Draw flare occlusion 0 r_draw_flare_occlusion Draw volumes toggle 0 r_draw_fog_volumes Draw screen space water 1 r_draw_water_ss Draw screen space water particles 0 r_draw_water_ss_particles Draw outlines 1 r_draw_outlines Draw mirror 0 r_draw_mirror Draw foliage 1 r_draw_foliage Fill material buffer 1 r_material_buffer Fill material buffer 1 r_material_buffer_lookup Fill material buffer 1 r_material_buffer_lookup_directional Material buffer default value 0x00000091 r_material_buffer_default FXAA 0 r_fxaa x4 2 x2 1 None 0 FSAA 0 r_fsaa 0 r_aa_quality FSAA fill stencil 1 r_fsaa_fill_stencil Caps hw depth 1 r_caps_hw_depth Caps copy depth 1 r_caps_copy_depth Caps NVDB 1 r_caps_nvdb Refraction 1 r_refraction Refraction HUD 1 r_refraction_hud Refraction decals 1 r_refraction_decals Restrict gaempay viewport to first adapter 0 r_restrict_viewport SSAO 2 r_ssao SSAO downsample depth 2 r_ssao_downsample_depth SSAO range near 3.0 r_ssao_range_near SSAO range far 300.0 r_ssao_range_far SSAO acceptance angle 5.0 r_ssao_acceptance_angle SSAO blur depth ratio 20.0 r_ssao_blur_depth_ratio SSAO time blur factor 1 r_ssao_temporal_enabled SSAO time blur factor 2.0 r_ssao_temporal_ratio SSAO time blur position threshold 1.0 r_ssao_temporal_position_threshold SSAO time blur angle threshold 10.0 r_ssao_temporal_angle_threshold SSAO noise randomization enabled 1 r_ssao_noise_randomization SSAO debug 0 r_ssao_debug Lighting 1 r_lighting Lighting 1 r_lighting_multiplicative Draw mirror 0 r_mirror_quality Dynamic meshes double buffering 0 r_dyn_meshes_double_buffering Dynamic meshes partial update 0 r_dyn_meshes_partial_update depth light overdraw specular exponent specular mask diffuse mask vertex color tangents normals emissive ambient occlusion specular lighting diffuse lighting texture density standard Debug render mode 0 r_debug_render_mode Dummy mem usage 0 r_dummy_mem_usage Dummy video mem usage 0 r_dummy_video_mem_usage Debug depth start 0.001 r_debug_depth_start Debug depth start 0.01 r_debug_depth_end Show refraction rt copy rects 0 r_debug_refraction_rt_copy 2 pp_quality Post process toggle 1 pp_enable Post process dof toggle 1 pp_dof_enable Post process dof for particles 1 pp_dof_translucents Post process dof force quality -1 pp_dof_force_quality Post process glow toggle 1 pp_glow_enable Post process blur toggle 1 pp_blur_enable Post process film grain toggle 1 pp_film_grain_enable Post process sharpen toggle 1 pp_sharpen_enable Post process screen blur toggle 1 pp_screen_blur_enable Post process radial blur toggle 1 pp_radial_blur_enable Post process light shafts toggle 1 pp_sun_shafts_enable Post process color grading toggle 1 pp_color_grading_enable Post process CA toggle 1 pp_ca_enable Post process CA force val 0 pp_ca_force_val Rain boxes toggle 1 r_rain_boxes Depth bounds 1 r_depth_bounds Refraction force fs copy 0 r_refraction_force_fs_copy Rain lock 0 r_rain_lock Rain enable 1 r_rain_enable Water lock 0 r_water_lock Offscreen translucents enable 1 r_offscreen_enable Offscreen translucents force on 0 r_offscreen_force_on Offscreen min distance 30 r_offscreen_min_distance Light min size 0 r_lights_min_size Light force camera intersection 0 r_lights_force_cam_inter Shadows toggle 1 r_shadows 2 r_shadows_quality Shadows res 2048 r_shadows_res Shadows res 1 r_shadows_filtering Shadows directional toggle 1 r_shadows_directional Shadows spot toggle 1 r_shadows_spot Shadows point toggle 1 r_shadows_point D32 4 D24X8 3 D16 2 quality (D24X8/D24X8) 1 fast (D16/D24X8) 0 Shadows format 1 r_shadows_format CSM split factor 0.8 r_shadows_csm_split_factor csm depth bias 0.001 r_shadows_csm_depth_bias csm depth slope bias 0.002 r_shadows_csm_depth_slope_bias csm force shadow range 0 r_shadows_csm_force_shadow_range Shadow caster cull size 0 r_shadows_caster_cull_size shadow mask depth bias temp 0.002 r_shadows_local_depth_bias shadow mask depth slope bias temp 0.004 r_shadows_local_depth_slope_bias shadow local force res 0 r_shadows_local_force_res Dissolve border color 0xFF38384D r_dissolve_border_color Dissolve border color intensity 0.5 r_dissolve_border_color_intensity Dissolve border size 15.0 r_dissolve_border_size Dissolve time 2.0 r_dissolve_time Distance dissolve angle 1.0 r_dissolve_angle Distance dissolve angle for shadows 4.0 r_dissolve_angle_shadow Distance dissolve angle for lights 3.0 r_dissolve_angle_light Distance dissolve angle for decals 1.0 r_dissolve_angle_decals Outline color 1 0xFF00FF00 r_outline_color_1 Outline color 2 0xFF00FFFF r_outline_color_2 Outline color 3 0xFFFF0000 r_outline_color_3 Outline intensity 1 2.0 r_outline_intensity_1 Outline intensity 2 2.0 r_outline_intensity_2 Outline intensity 3 2.0 r_outline_intensity_3 Outline occluded multiplier 0.05 r_outline_occluded_multiplier Outline occluded separation 0.1 r_outline_occluded_separation Outline blur radius 3.0 r_outline_blur_radius Outline scissor test enabled 1 r_outline_scissor_test_enabled FPS for ticking physics simulation 60 p_fps Max steps for physics simulation 4 p_max_steps Physics particles 1 p_particles Enable particles cache 1 p_particles_cache Particles warm-up fps 30 p_particles_warmup_fps Enable physics half stepping 0 p_half_step_enabled Enable surface velocity simulation 1 p_surface_velocity_enabled Enable water simulation 1 p_water_simulation_enabled Show water simulation debug info 0 p_show_water_simulation Enable ragdoll attachments 1 p_ragdoll_attachments_enabled Show rigid body info
    1 - show filter info
    2 - linear velocity
    3 - position 0 p_show_info Show transform of all rigid bodies in world 0 p_show_transforms Show player controller info 0 p_show_player_info Ragdoll rigid body linear damping multiplier 1.0 p_ragdoll_linear_damping_scale Ragdoll rigid body angular damping multiplier 2.0 p_ragdoll_angular_damping_scale Enable slow motion effect on dead bodies 1.0 p_slow_mo Enable player collisions with dead bodies (requires map reload) 0 p_enable_dead_body_collision Enable ragdoll penetration control 1 p_penetrations_enabled Show skeletons in game 0 a_show_skeletons Show look at solver debug info in game
    1 - show eyes position
    2 - show look vector
    3 - show forward axis 0 a_show_lookat Show ragdolls in game and VisualDebugger 0 a_show_ragdolls Show ragdoll penetrations in game and VisualDebugger 0 a_show_penetrations Show attachments on skeleton 0 a_show_attachments IK enabled 1 a_ik_enabled Parent skeleton mapping 1 a_parent_skeleton_mapping Constraints enabled 1 a_constraints_enabled Enable null sound engine 0 s_null_sound Set global sound volume 1.0 s_sound_volume cutscene sound volume 1.0 s_sound_cutscenevolume Set global music volume 0.7 s_sound_musicvolume Set global VO volume 0.7 s_sound_VOvolume Show sound stats
    0 - disable
    1 - general stats, sound playing stats
    2 - general stats, show all sounds
    3 - general stats, audible sounds
    4 - general stats, last 30 sound played
    5 - general stats, category volumes & ducking
    6 - general stats, loaded banks
    0 s_sound_stats Dopper effect multiplier
    1.0 s_sound_dopplerratio Force stereo, need restart
    0 s_sound_forcestereo Force mono, need restart
    0 s_sound_forcemono sound occlusion
    1 s_sound_occlusion if true, load only used samples in game to save memory (needs testing)
    1 s_sound_optimizememory Console commands history s_console_commands_history Show custom logs within console s_console_show_custom_logs Number of console lines always visible on screen 0 s_console_lines_always_visible Console height ratio 0.5 s_console_height_ratio Lock mouse for mouse look 0 s_mouse_lock Invert mouse look Y-axis 0 s_mouse_invert Mouse smoothing 0 s_mouse_smooth Mouse sensitivity 1 s_mouse_sensitivity Mouse raw input 1 s_mouse_raw_input Allow to use attack action as use/pickup 0 s_allow_attack_as_use Pad look sensitivity 2 s_pad_look_sensitivity_x Pad look sensitivity 2 s_pad_look_sensitivity_y Invert pad look Y-axis 0 s_pad_look_invert Enable pad vibration 1 s_pad_vibration 1 s_pad_autoaim Pad autoaim radius 0.1 s_pad_autoaim_radius Pad autoaim speed 10.0 s_pad_autoaim_speed 0 s_pad_layout_buttons 0 s_pad_layout_sticks 0 s_pad_layout_triggers Pad autoaim combo threshold 0.4 s_pad_combo_threshold Invert pad look Y-axis 20.0 s_pad_look_pow_x Invert pad look Y-axis 20.0 s_pad_look_pow_y Invert pad look Y-axis 3.0 s_pad_look_speed_x Invert pad look Y-axis 2.0 s_pad_look_speed_y Invert pad look Y-axis 0.7 s_pad_look_linear_ratio_x Invert pad look Y-axis 0.5 s_pad_look_linear_ratio_y Free fly mode 0 s_fly_mode Disable loading thread 0 s_disable_loading_thread Enable profilers 0 s_profilers_enabled Profilers history size 200 s_profilers_history_size Enable profilers summarize calls 0 s_profilers_summarize_calls Enable profilers summarize counters 0 s_profilers_summarize_counters Use compiled scripts 1 s_scripts_compiled_use load only used script templates, disable if editor problems 1 d_scripts_load_only_used_templates Compiled scripts dir data/scriptsbin/ s_scripts_compiled_dir Squirrel WatchHog enabled 0 s_scripts_watchhog_enabled Squirrel WatchHog timeout 10.0 s_scripts_watchhog_timeout Determines if load thread waits for all resources ******ing finished 1 s_load_******ing_lock Enable logs system 1 s_logs_enabled Enable particles 1 s_simulate_particles Store profiles in My Documents folder 1 s_use_my_documents game language EN s_language language from steam s_language_from_steam Use Steam 1 s_use_steam OnLive: Use local instead of OnLive Profile directory 0 ol_use_local_dir OnLive: Hide local cursor 0 ol_hide_cursor Use fast menu animations 1 s_fast_menu Skip launch logos 0 s_skip_logo Can skip cutscenes with player control 0 d_can_skip_dynamic_cutscenes Can skip cutscenes first time it's played 1 d_can_skip_cutscenes_first_time Auto skip all cutscenes and movies 0 d_skip_all_cutscenes Enable recorder 0 s_recorder_enable Recorder freq 1.0 s_recorder_freq HUD visibility 1 s_hud_visible 2 s_hud_exp_bonus_messages Enable crosshair 1 s_hud_crosshair Crosshair color 0xFFFFFFFF s_hud_crosshair_custom_color Crosshair alpha 1.0 s_hud_crosshair_custom_alpha 1 s_hud_crosshair_custom Crosshair scale 0.5 s_hud_crosshair_custom_scale Crosshair outline 1 s_hud_crosshair_custom_outline
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
  3. JonasBeckman

    JonasBeckman Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    XFX 7900XTX M'310
    Other part of the console command list.

    Enable UI 1 ui_enabled UI window border color 0xFFFFFFFF ui_color_window_border UI window top color 0xFF570000 ui_color_window_top UI window inside color 0xFF300000 ui_color_window_inside UI focus color 0xFF700000 ui_color_focus UI controls primary color 0xFFFFFFFF ui_color_primary UI readonly controls primary color 0xFF888888 ui_color_primary_ro UI cursor color 0xFF00FFFF ui_color_cursor UI transparency 0.7 ui_transparency Show windows 1 ui_windows_visible Enable default UI menu 1 ui_default_menu Enable UI modal windows 1 ui_enable_modal UI font sw ui_font UI font sw ui_font_default UI font vertical shift 0.1 ui_font_vertical_shift UI font size min 15 ui_font_size_min UI font size max 59 ui_font_size_max UI font scale 0.028 ui_font_scale UI font always upper 1 ui_font_always_upper Force top window to have focus 1 ui_force_window_focus UI font rescale width 0.8 ui_font_rescale_width UI font rescale kerning 1.0 ui_font_rescale_kerning UI font multiline gap 1.0 ui_font_multiline_gap UI font force flags 0 ui_font_force_flags UI uses atlas ui\atlas\ui.hat ui_textures_atlas Animatix default curve size 64 a_curve_default_size Animatix post process 1 r_animatix_pp_enable Animatix force res 0 r_animatix_force_res Animatix atlas enabled 1 a_atlas_enabled Animatix post process min distance 15 r_animatix_pp_min_distance Animatix text render target partial clear 1 r_animatix_text_partial_clear Level editor: selection color 0x5500ff00 e_selection_color Thick 2 Thin 1 None 0 Level editor: selection border 2 e_selection_border All 2 Selected 1 None 0 Level editor: show items range mode 1 e_show_items_range Level editor: if undo restores camera 1 e_undo_restores_camera Level editor: range of visibility 40 e_visibility_range Never 2 On parent selected 1 Always 0 Level editor: show children 1 e_show_children Level editor 1 e_show_triggers Level editor 1 e_show_animpaths Level editor 1 e_show_blockers Level editor 1 e_show_occluders Level editor 1 e_show_flyer_zones Enable P4 in level editor 0 e_enable_p4 Never checkout 2 Always checkout 1 Always ask 0 Alway checkout files when opening in editor 0 e_p4_always_checkout Toggle to make controlled crash when script error encountered 0 s_debug_break Level editor window template (-1,-1,-1,-1) e_window_template Level editor window object (-1,-1,-1,-1) e_window_object Animations editor window (-1,-1,-1,-1) e_window_animations Animations editor last used e_animations_last Animations editor last used directories e_animations_dir_last Materials editor window (-1,-1,-1,-1) e_window_material Materials editor last used e_material_last Materials editor import last used e_material_import_last Materials editor texture last used e_material_texture_last Auto save in material editor 0 e_material_auto_save Animatix editor textures last used e_animatix_texture_last Animatix editor atlas last used e_animatix_atlas_last Animatix editor animatix last used e_animatix_last Level editor template last used e_template_last Level editor template FX last used e_template_fx_last Level editor template AI last used e_template_ai_last Level editor search last used e_search_last Level editor object last used e_object_last Hide readonly items in object editor 1 e_hide_ro_in_object File chooser window (-1,-1,-1,-1) e_window_file_chooser Level editor 0 e_keep_area_modifier ExternalMaxScriptIDE path C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2009/Scripts/ExternalMaxScriptIDE/ExternalMaxScriptIDE.exe e_external_max_script_ide Max scripts path C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2009/Scripts/PiniO/ e_max_scripts Disable chapters 0 d_disable_chapters Enable debug physics collisions mode 0 d_physics_collisions Force collisions to pin 0 d_physics_collisions_pin Detect collisions frequency 5 d_physics_collisions_freq 1 - show script timings, 2 - updateable, 3 - cache contents 0 d_script_profile 1 - show agent AI & HP 0 d_show_ai 1 - show activated spawnpointgroup info
    2 - show all spawnpointgroups
    3 - show activated spg with active spawnpoints
    4 - like 3, but also show number of spawned by other monsters 0 d_show_spgroupinfo sqquicklook store ai info 0 d_collect_ai_logs Enable budgets history 1 d_budgets_history Enable debug animatix 0 d_animatix Enable debug UI forms 0 d_ui_forms Disable main menu 0 d_disable_main_menu Disable fire and forget cache 0 d_disable_script_cache Disable resource objects precache 0 d_disable_resource_precache Count tris of visible placeables 0 d_tris_count_placeables Count shadows tris of visible placeables 0 d_tris_shadows_count_placeables Enable budgets 1 d_budgets Enable visual debug drawing 1 d_visual_debug Enable debug hints drawing 0 d_show_hints Allow level select menu 0 d_enable_level_select Reset Steam stats 0 d_reset_steam Debug missing resources 0 d_missing_res Debug spawnpoints xp 0 d_spawnpoints_xp Debug enemies xp 0 d_enemies_xp Debug frame delay [ms] 0 d_frame_delay Draw destro names 0 d_draw_destro_names Draw physics triggers 0 d_draw_physics_triggers Force enable heroic mode 0 d_force_enable_heroic Disable spawnpoints 0 d_disable_spawnpoints toggle weapon fire alt/normal 0 d_toggle_prisec_weapon Draw tangent, bitangent, normal 0 d_draw_tbn Draw menu level 0 d_draw_menu_level Show enemies darkpower counter 0 d_show_enemies_darkpower Disable animated systems 0 d_animated_systems_disable disable player roll when imbad 0 d_disable_roll_when_immortal Debug video player 0 d_video_player Debug video player 0 d_decals Debug map cache 0 d_map_cache Debug force objects reload when changing map state 0 d_force_renderer_objects_reload Debug create (1) or draw (2) backbuffer copy 0 d_draw_backbuffer_copy Show asset size 0 d_show_asset_info Min duration of text 2.0 g_text_default_time_min Duration of long word 0.5 g_text_default_time_long_word Duration of short word 0.2 g_text_default_time_short_word Duration of short word 3 g_text_default_time_short_word_max_length Binary saves 0 g_binary_saves Binary saves 1 g_binary_profile Enable rain 1 g_enable_rain Enable lightnings 1 g_enable_lightnings Enable electricity 1 g_enable_electricity Enable subtitles g_enable_subtitles Enable hints g_enable_hints Enable blood g_enable_blood Enable blood g_autopause_enabled Game autopause time 180.0 g_autopause_time 0 g_difficulty Radar shows all enemies g_radar_shows_all Enable direction arrow g_enable_arrow Remains quality g_remains_quality Physics quality g_physics_quality Explosions glow strength mod g_explosions_glow_strength_mod Explosions glow threshold mod g_explosions_glow_threshold_mod Disable sprint effects g_disable_sprint_effects 0 - katana cuts depends on movement with aiming (no ALT)
    1 - katana cuts depends on use mouse release
    2 - katana cuts depends on use mouse press
    3 - katana cuts depends on use mouse, possible to continue cuts while holding mouse
    4 - katana charge depends on use mouse press (no ALT)
    5 - random
    6 - depending on targeted bone
    7 - random, but next cut is always on opposide side
    8 - katana cuts depends on movement (like 0, but no aiming)
    9 - like 2 mode, but ALT also behaves like 2 mode
    10 - like 9 mode, but play anim always on other side, not using mouse - from keyboard
    11 - like 9 mode, but LMB no up/down, RMB no left/right cuts when no mashing, not using mouse - from keyboard 10 g_katana_mouse_direction Time window for direction choice when g_katana_mouse_direction=2 0.1 g_katana_mouse_direction_window Slow down katana cut animation when hitting monster. 1.0 - disable, 0.2 - anim will play with 20% of speed 1.0 g_katana_slowdownanim_whenhit_amount how long slow down will be applied 0.0 g_katana_slowdownanim_whenhit_time katana cuts anim speed - debug only 1.0 g_katana_cut_animation_speed Combo keys max time between 0.4 g_combo_max_time_between Combo keys max time hold 0.4 g_combo_max_time_hold Autodelete meshes min time 5.0 g_autodelete_meshes_min_time Autodelete parts time 30.0 g_autodelete_parts_time meshes limit left on level 40 g_autodelete_meshes_limit meshes limit left on level (large) 80 g_autodelete_meshes_limit_large max skinned meshes on level 8 g_autodelete_skinned_meshes_max_onlevel Outline bounding box expand 0.1 g_outline_bbox_expand Auto pickup items from containers 1 g_containers_auto_collect Player base movement speed 6.6 g_player_speed Player max speed when jump 6.6 g_player_speed_whenjump Player movement acceleration 8.0 g_player_acceleration Player backward speed ratio 0.7 g_player_backward_ratio Player jumping direction is connected with his look direction 0 g_player_jumping_control_direction Air control multiplier 7.0 g_player_aircontrol mouse rotation multiplier when zooming 1.0 g_player_rotation_when_zooming Player friction, when not moving and when on ground 0.5 g_player_onground_friction Player reaction on force on ground 11.9 g_player_onground_force_multiplier Player reaction on force in air 11.9 g_player_inair_force_multiplier Creature reaction on force 5.0 g_agent_force_multiplier Creature friction after hit 5.0 g_agent_force_damping indpenedtend weapon cooldown 1 g_player_independent_reload Player model inertia when rotating, set to 0 to disable 25 g_player_inertia_range Player model inertia damping 6.0 g_player_inertia_damping Player max pitch (look up/down) 80.0 g_player_maxpitch Player min time between not important dialogs 16.0 g_player_time_between_dialogs save AI data in savegame 1 g_save_AI_data Time required skip scene 1.2 g_cutscene_skip_delay w1 _sword g_player_sword Enable checkpoints 1 g_enable_checkpoints Auto change weapon when out of ammo 1 g_weapon_autochange_ammoout debug: play all dialogs, allow overlapping and show id 0 d_debug_dialogs start menu immediately 0 d_auto_start_menu start level immediately 0 d_auto_start_level debug user variables 0 d_user debug autoaim 0 d_autoaim Objective title color 0xffffffff g_color_objective_title Objective description color 0xffffffff g_color_objective_description Objective completed title color 0xff410001 g_color_objective_completed_title Objective completed description color 0xff410001 g_color_objective_completed_description Objective failed title color 0xff410001 g_color_objective_failed_title Objective failed description color 0xff410001 g_color_objective_failed_description Player own damage multiplier 0.2 g_damage_player_own_multiplier Damage to enemies multiplier 1.0 g_damage_to_enemies_multiplier Damage to player multiplier 1.0 g_damage_to_player_multiplier Second chance always revives 0 g_second_chance_revive Infinite ammo 0 g_infinite_ammo Falling never kills 0 g_fall_never_kills consoleCursorBlink Particles ParticlesMem ParticlesSim ParticlesPhysics ParticlesMax ParticlesSys Tris_Total Tris_Total_Level Tris_Total_Static Tris_Total_Skinned Tris_Total_Decal Tris_Total_Other Tris_Shadow Tris_Shadow_Level Tris_Shadow_Static Tris_Shadow_Skinned Tris_Shadow_Other DIPs_Total DIPs_Total_Level DIPs_Total_Static DIPs_Total_Skinned DIPs_Total_Decal DIPs_Total_Other DIPs_Shadow DIPs_Shadow_Level DIPs_Shadow_Static DIPs_Shadow_Skinned GeoMem Level biggest RHM Level physics Num skinned meshes Peak skinned meshes TexMem Overdraw% Refraction RT copy% Local light overdraw% Foliage instances Foliage memory Physics PhysicsSteps PhysicsMem Scripts JobsTotal JobsAlive UpdateDynamicVB Frame FPS CAPS_R32F CAPS_RAWZ controlLabel controlLineEdit controlTextArea controlCheckBox controlSlider controlListBox controlComboBox controlButton controlColor controlColorCircle controlLineEditWithSlider controlColorPicker controlVector controlProperties controlCanvas controlGraphCanvas Primary PrimaryFocus PrimaryRO PrimaryROComboBox PrimaryROListBox Focus Cursor Selection WindowBorder WindowTop WindowInside ComboBackground ButtonBorder ButtonBorderRO ButtonBackground empty label image_frame listbox hint scroll_v_bg scroll_v_button scroll_h_bg scroll_h_button button_menu button_light button_heavy combobox_bg combobox_arrow_bg combobox_arrow_mark combobox_drop_down slider_bg slider_button textedit checkbox_bg checkbox_mark window_separator dialog_separator sndButtnoClicked sndButtnoHover sndCheckBoxClicked sndListBoxClicked sndComboBoxClicked sndSliderClicked sndLineEditKeys sndWindowCreated sndWindowDestroyed sndFocusNext GEventButtonClicked GEventSkinChanged t x y z qx qy qz qw hp enemies death weapon map_state events LOC: %1 %2 %3 %[[ ]]% > <BTN> </BTN> <I> </I> texture size_x size_y top middle bottom left center right sequence x y x_mask y_mask mouse_events id timeline_start timeline_length timeline_loop timeline_reversedp timeline_loops_repeat timeline_loop_start_random timeline_loop_start_random_every timeline_loop_start_random_pos timeline_keep_final_visible timeline_visible_before_start visible random_child_visible special base_size_type base_position_type base_position_horizontal base_position_vertical base_size keep_inside_viewport inside_viewport_margin size_margin size_margin_type depth depth_border atlas sprite_base_mask sprite sprite_keep_aspect sprite_random_pool_type sprite_random_pool sprite_random_repeat sprite_random_diff sprite_mask sprite_refr sprite_normal sprite_render sprite_from_parent sprite_uv_from_parent sprite_outline_enabled sound0 sound1 sound0_delta sound1_delta external_animatix external_animatix_force_start external_animatix_random_pool external_animatix_random_repeat color[0] color[1] text text_font text_font_auto_scale text_font_auto_scale_type text_font_auto_scale_min text_font_auto_scale_max text_max_lines text_lines_gap_mult text_align text_auto_split text_from_parent text_border text_small_br video_filename anchor_horizontal anchor_vertical clip_to_parent clip_to_viewport fit_to_parent clip_children alpha_absolute alpha_test_enabled intensity_power color_from_parent scale_two_dimensions refr_scale refr_weight specular_intensity specular_power rotation_relative_to_anchor rotation_use_speed link_uv_right_bottom_to_left_top link_uv_right_bottom_to_left_top_factor link_uv_right_bottom_to_size link_uv_right_bottom_to_size_factor position speed rotation scale scale_y alpha alpha_test_ref color uv_left_top uv_right_bottom uv_mask clipping intensity enable_postprocess chromatc_aberration_x chromatc_aberration_y distortion_height distortion_position distortion_amplitude distortion_frequency distortion_animation_speed desaturation_strength desaturation_color key_down key_up mouse_moved mouse_down mouse_up mouse_right_down mouse_right_up mouse_hover_in mouse_hover_out child_finished tai hat resource main new_game new_game_plus resume_game load_game load_game_plus new_campaign new_survival ingame play_video objectives pda hints options extras profile achievements upgrades weapons_upgrades powers_upgrades hero_upgrades leaderboard profile_change options/video options/audio options/controls options/controls/keys options/controls/pad options/game exit return_to_main back_to_game death level_completed level_select restart_level credits_video credits credits_final buy_now $KEYS_MOVE$ $KEY_JUMP$ $KEY_RELOAD$ $KEY_CROUCH$ $KEY_MOVE_FORWARD$ $KEY_MOVE_BACKWARD$ $KEY_MOVE_LEFT$ $KEY_MOVE_RIGHT$ $KEY_ATTACK_PRIMARY$ $KEY_ATTACK_SECONDARY$ $KEY_SPRINT$ $KEY_STATUS$ $KEY_UPGRADES$ $KEY_ZOOM$ $KEY_FAST_ATTACK$ $KEY_USE$ $KEY_FLASHLIGHT$ $KEY_WEAPON_1$ $KEY_WEAPON_2$ $KEY_WEAPON_3$ $KEY_WEAPON_4$ $KEY_WEAPON_5$ $KEY_WEAPON_6$ $KEY_WEAPON_7$ $KEY_WEAPON_8$ $KEY_WEAPON_9$ __back eventNameFocusPrevious fAlphaMultiplier

    EDIT: Some commands appear to be set as "read only" however such as the r_weapon_fov command which defaults to 45 vertical.

    EDIT: Adding a file to the game folder (.cfg or .txt or such.) and using the exe command to call it works, which makes tweaking easier.

    EDIT: These can be used to toggle specific post-processing effects. :)

    pp_dof_enable 1/0 (Depth of field effect.)
    pp_blur_enable 1/0 (Background blur effect.)
    pp_film_grain_enable 1/0 (Film grain effect.)
    pp_glow_enable 1/0 (Bloom effect.)
    pp_sharpen_enable 1/0 (Sharpening effect.)
    pp_screen_blur_enable 1/0 (Screen blur effect.)
    pp_radial_blur_enable 1/0 (Radial blur effect.)


    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
  4. Marcel

    Marcel Guest

    Likes Received:
    MSI GTX 1070 Gaming
    maybe i am idiot but "readonly" commands not working for me. I add commands into console (not working), create custom config and add config into main game folder (steam,steamapps/common/Shadow warrior) and ...not working. I add commands in binds config but working only "no read only" commands.


    bind +f3 "r_draw_weapon 0"
    bind +f4 "r_draw_weapon 1"

    these not working (readonly)

    bind +f5 "s_fly mode " "1"
    bind +f6 "s_fly mode " "0"
    r_weapon_fov "70"

  5. JonasBeckman

    JonasBeckman Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    XFX 7900XTX M'310
    Oh sorry I should have clarified that better. :)

    I haven't been able to get any of the read-only commands working either and that edit was because I discovered you could add a config file to the game folder and call the commands from there which makes things easier than typing them into the console every time.

    I still need to try adding commands to config.cfg directly, maybe you can override them from there.
  6. Marcel

    Marcel Guest

    Likes Received:
    MSI GTX 1070 Gaming
    I try everything but Fly_mode not working. K-putt use this command as bind and working for him... hm...
  7. WhiteLightning

    WhiteLightning Don Illuminati Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Inno3d RTX4070
  8. orangewoolcry

    orangewoolcry Member Guru

    Likes Received:
    geforce 680 gtx
    anyone got a working AA flag for this game 4fsaa sucks balls still got jaggies
  9. jim2point0

    jim2point0 Guest

    Likes Received:
    Asus Strix 2080TI
    Hey Jonas, do you know if any of the commands to change your resolution actually... work? I've tried a few but nothing so far. Gotta do it through the menus.

    With a high enough downsampling resolution, aliasing does away completely :)
  10. Mr.Bigtime

    Mr.Bigtime Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    4090 on Laptop
    Yeah man, true. I use fxaa to avoid jaggies but it is sht looking u know.

    W w lmb is the most damaging. , 360 degree is a bit weak.shield guys also open to heart attack.

    Combine shift strafe with w w lmb to reach distance enemies and ten back shift strafe to get backwards fast. That way, i combine mant different moves. I fly like butterfly, sting like a bee. They see me rollin, they hatin.

  11. vejn

    vejn Maha Guru

    Likes Received:
    MSI 7870 TF3
    Are there any console cheats ?:)
  12. JonasBeckman

    JonasBeckman Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    XFX 7900XTX M'310
    Of sorts, but they are all "read only" so I know of no way to change them.

    g_infinite_ammo - If this had been changeable setting it to 1 would have provided infinite ammo.

    g_second_chance_revive 1 - If this had been changeable setting it to 1 would have made it so second wind always revived you.


    - If these were adjustable then the first one would have determined how much damage the player took from enemies (From 0.0 and higher.) and the second one would have determined player damage to enemies, third one would have been for player self damage. :)

    For resolution and a few other commands (r_shadows_format for example.) I think you have to use vid_restart or alt-tab out of the game and then back into it (Which has the same effect.) to make the commands take effect.

    The commands that determine resolution are these:

    r_fullscreen_modes - I don't know how it works but it says 1920x1200 here and lists other compatible ones, I guess you enter a full resolution and the game uses that if supported?

    r_fullscreen_width - Resolution width
    r_fullscreen_height - Resolution height

    r_win_height - Same but for windowed mode.
    r_win_width - As above.

    EDIT: I checked again and there's some direct cheat related console commands as well such as "immortal" but I believe these are restricted too though I have not tried them.

    FlyMode (Commands are case sensitive.)
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2013
  13. jim2point0

    jim2point0 Guest

    Likes Received:
    Asus Strix 2080TI
    vid_restart! That's what I needed to make the resolution change take effect. That's great. I created a few config files for different resolutions. Example:

    r_fullscreen_modes = 3840x1920
    r_fullscreen_width 3840
    r_fullscreen_height 1920

    Changes the resolution and refreshes the game in order to set it. Gotta love that exec command.
  14. IcE

    IcE Don Snow

    Likes Received:
    3070Ti FE
    PC games that lack proper AA support are infuriating.
  15. JonasBeckman

    JonasBeckman Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    XFX 7900XTX M'310
    Yeah the exec command has been extremely helpful, I took the commands Marcel posted above and changed it to this in Binds.cfg - bind +f5 "exec test.cfg" - so I can just press that key when in-game. :)
    (The console does save the latest used commands though - in config.cfg actually - so it's pretty simple to just use the command console once you've typed in the settings you want to use once.)

    Good to see that custom screen resolutions work as well, game is a bit demanding so I'll probably not use it much but it's definitively something I will try.

    Tried to combine some of the keybindings as well using the + and - parameters which define if the key is pressed and then unpressed but I stuck with using multiple +F keys instead since it wasn't too reliable.
    (Would have been simpler to define toggling HUD on and off via the same key but maybe there's a way to do that still.)

  16. Darren Hodgson

    Darren Hodgson Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    NVIDIA RTX 4080 FE
    I know exactly what you mean. I own a £550 graphics card that should be able to handle MSAA in all games but instead it is wasted on cheap console-friendly post-processing "blur" filters such as FXAA, SMAA and (eurgh!) MLAA. :puke2:
  17. jim2point0

    jim2point0 Guest

    Likes Received:
    Asus Strix 2080TI
    If you have 780, use downsampling for AA. A 780 should be able to handle this game at a relatively high downsampling resolution. I'm enjoying it at 2880x1620. 4K is a bit choppy though.
  18. Darren Hodgson

    Darren Hodgson Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    NVIDIA RTX 4080 FE
    Unless you're downsampling for a resolution 4X higher than the native one of the display then I find it isn't sufficient to eliminate all jaggies unless FXAA or similar is also used. And downsampling also means that the HUD and text are often scaled down as well making them look uglier/harder to read. It isn't an ideal solution for me; I prefer proper MSAA (+ SGSSAA) support.
  19. Redemption80

    Redemption80 Guest

    Likes Received:
    GALAX 970/ASUS 970
    So what is FSAA using then?

    If it's just something like FXAA then i will probably be ok with this setup, anything else probably not.

    Is this quite performance heavy, the Total Biscuit preview made it sound quite hard to run but that was a beta and tbh it looked quite dated from the video.

    The game look fantastic fun though, so i'm not overly bothered.
  20. jim2point0

    jim2point0 Guest

    Likes Received:
    Asus Strix 2080TI
    Is there anything in that massive list of commands that disabled head bobbing? I couldn't find anything.

    That's becoming an annoying trend in games... :(

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