Our War on drugs

Discussion in 'The Guru's Pub' started by Jae-So, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Ryu5uzaku

    Ryu5uzaku Ancient Guru

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    well tbh alcohol is a bad dug it was banned prohibited and it spawned crimes and whatnot. they legalized it no more crimes surrounding selling alcohol and so on. People used it before and after, i never drink cause i think its really bad stuff (some personal experience) :)

    legalizing weed and well maybe some of the harder drugs would kill off cartels and so on pretty good, less crime for sometime atleast, until something new gets banned and here we go again
  2. ScaryClown

    ScaryClown Guest

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    Depends on what do you mean by drugs.
    If you mean alcohol and marijuana those drugs cause psychic addiction.It means you get addicted because you like it.Just like my addiction to chocolate :)
    Although marijuana has shown some signs of physical addiction and brain changes.

    As for heroine,crack,barbituates and some other they do cause severe physical and mental addiction.By physical addiction i mean that the drug either replaces or causes interference in cell metabolism.So lack of the substance causes the body to yearn for that particular substance.

    Nicotine has the greatest physical addiction of all drugs.Almost 40 times stronger than heroine.

    Anyways drugs should be legal in order to be controlled.
  3. AbjectBlitz

    AbjectBlitz Ancient Guru

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    I believe they should be made legal, controlled and taxed just like Alcohol.

    It will take out most dealers and the funding for various organised criminal gangs.

    The people taking drugs will be safe to know what their taking without the risk of drugs being cut with poisonous substances for profit.

    Taxation will ease the burden on the state, funds can go on health and no doubt the huge left over can be used for any other area in need.

    However legalising stuff is probably not beneficial for the back dealings, covert ops of various agencies that use the trade for their own benefit in dealings with various syndicates, illegal funding, coups and so on. The top supply is pretty much controlled by governments who have their hands dirty. As soon as any investigation leads to top officials it is shut down.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  4. putty

    putty Ancient Guru

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    what kind of weird post is that?

    A good deal of my friends use drugs(soft & hard) and they are still the nicests persons on earth.

    Don't make movies cloud your judgement.

    Ps, weed is already legal here.

  5. buddyfriendo

    buddyfriendo Guest

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    There are always exceptions to the rule, however, I doubt that. Gotta laugh at your movie comment too, when your doing something like Heroin it's nothing but downhill from there.
  6. AbjectBlitz

    AbjectBlitz Ancient Guru

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    Like with Alcohol, not everyone becomes an Alcoholic and the same applies with other drugs. Some can drink casualy every now and then and function perfectly normal day to day.

    Others get addicted to anything and everything. Tough for them, why should everyone else suffer because of their weakness?

    I would make an exception for Heroin though as physical addiction with that is too high to risk on. Should never legalise that per se, but instead give out free methadone to current addicts to stop them robbing and causing petty crime.
  7. putty

    putty Ancient Guru

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    Possible, I can't say I have used Heroin, but for xtc, coke, speed(and offcource weed...) you can use it without being ****ed for the rest of your life, without becoming a junk.
  8. TyrantofJustice

    TyrantofJustice Ancient Guru

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    people been saying to lkegalise drugs for years to regulate them...a country did this with coke..heroin and other major drugs awhile back...dont remember which
  9. Wicky

    Wicky Maha Guru

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    It depends on the amount of a chemical which makes the poison.

    A simple legalization of everything will lead to mass-genocide.. entire cities wiped out.
    But keeping up the prohibition of drugs is neither possible.

    So count one plus one and here is the solution:
    We take one normal dose of heroine, divide it by 20 and put this little part into a 1 liter cola bottle. The commerce will sell those labeled as "drug cola".
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011
  10. *Bio*

    *Bio* Master Guru

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    I spose some things could be ok being made legal though not gear or crack don't think that would be wise we have enough junkies as it is.

  11. Renegade8100

    Renegade8100 Ancient Guru

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    Just my 2 cents.. legalize it all and let natural selection and well thought out laws do the rest.
  12. Wicky

    Wicky Maha Guru

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    There was an experiment like that in a small US-town that didn't won't work dude. Because of the prohibition for many decades, nobody had experience with drugs in the first place, and the sudden legalization had everybody storming the shops.

    So, what I would do is fill a low dosage of drugs into 1 liter bottles and allow these to be sold. That makes it completely foolproof, I wanna see people drinking 8 liters and wanting to drink more, but there just won't fit enough to get an harmful dosis !
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011
  13. Darkest

    Darkest Guest

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    An interesting article that relates to this situation: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/12389389

    Proof that prohibition does not work. The only thing its done in this case is put more money in the hands of drug dealers. Drugs need to be regulated by a body of people that can make them safer for public use while observing and helping people who develop problems; rather than throwing said people in jail. The amount of money that would be saved each year in this country (Not to mention the money that could be made in Tax) is unbelievable. From the NHS to the Legal system.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011
  14. TruMutton_200Hz

    TruMutton_200Hz Guest

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    Perhaps the most funny thing is alcohol is much more addicting than weed (marijuana) is, yet alcohol is legal and weed is illegal where I live. Alcohol is a far more dangerous harddrug than some people seem to realize and I hope I don't have to explain the fact there has been rock solid scientifical evidence to prove that even for decades.

    Anyway, another fact is there's still alot of prejudice and misconception about weed going on in our society nowadays. I think the main reason why is there's never been enough scientifical research about weed and the risks involved with the consumption of weed products. This leads to mass misinformation and oversensitivity. In my view, it's wrong to assume the consequence of drug use will go away by keeping drugs illegal because illegally sold drugs are usually extremely poor quality drugs, making them even more dangerous than they already are. If you're a weak person and you have to visit the underworld to be able to obtain drugs then surely that can't be very good to society either. I know these are bold statements and alot of people will simply say "Well, then don't use drugs. Problems solved!". However, the undeniable truth is as soon as people discover their own child is using drugs even though they always thought their child was never going to even touch nor even look at drugs (mainly because of how they have always been exemplary parents and whichever excuse they may find otherwise), their attitude towards drug use might start to change just a little bit nevertheless.

    Although it's almost always very difficult to get rid of any serious addiction (I'm afraid for example video games and fastfood are no exceptions here, by the way) there's no reason for me to believe that getting rid's impossible, because I've seen it happen with my own eyes on a few occasions (including one person who used to be on herion...). Not every person who uses addicting stuff is necessarily going to become an addict. The biggest risk is when people lie to themselves about their own behaviour, though.

    My personal conclusion to the matter is if we want society to become a better place to live in, people are going to have to start more getting involved with other people instead of constantly hammering them down every way.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011
  15. wootwoot

    wootwoot Master Guru

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  16. Seref

    Seref Guest

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    Approximately 12 years ago my grandfather was killed in a motor accident. The other driver was a 19 year old male under the influence of marijuana. Kid ran a red going pretty fast, blindsided my grandfather's car, smashed right into the driver side door. The kid was okay, my grandfather's car was partially inside of a building. The kid said he "zoned out."

    I support the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes in all states. However, I cannot willingly support the legalization of marijuana as a social drug until some way to keep these people off the road is developed. Not just a big fine if you're caught, not just jail time if you're caught. No one else should lose a family member because some jackass wanted to get a buzz. (Yes, I know the same thing is happening right now with Alcohol every day. I'm not okay with that, either).

    The problem with marijuana "regulation" is that, while you could measure how "intoxicated" the person is, there's no way of knowing what that means for the individual. Alcohol has BAC, and while it's true that alcohol affects different people in different ways, generally the effects of a certain BAC level are universal. It's not the same for marijuana. One person could have taken 2 hits and gotten "a little high," another person could have taken 2 hits and gotten a lot worse off. There's no way to measure this, and so a "weed breathalyser" would be pretty much useless. Until someone develops something that isn't useless, my chip stays on the "keep it illegal" side. No one should go through what my family went through.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
  17. SickBoy254698

    SickBoy254698 Master Guru

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    The War on Drugs is the definition of an excercize in futility. All drugs should be legal. The fact that drug related violence would cease to exist overnight is so painfully obvious it hurts my brain cells to think about it because there are so many people who disagree. They are all idiots. In the US our history with Prohibition during the 20's proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that drug violence is caused by the laws that make them illegal.

    This issue does lead into something much larger though. No government has the right to tell you what is right and what is wrong when it comes to a decision that affects only the person who makes it. Yet since the dawn of man every system of government has sought to do just that. Deciding what is right and wrong for people is not the governments duty. Until rational people finally take a stand and put a stop to this madness each and every government of our world will eventually fail. Argue that point all you wish. You will be wrong. No rational train of thought involving the rights of the individual and there own code of ethics and virtues will lead to any other conclusion. Individual rights should always supercede the governments rights.

    That leaves only one option. Capitalism. No, not the governent regulated Capitalism that the countries of our world today practice. It shouldn't even be called Capitalism. The only choice is laissez faire Capitalism. I would suggest that anyone who disagrees with that statement go to the library and read some history books. The evolution of mankind up until Martin Luther started the Refermation really isn't all that remarkable. Please don't say something stupid about religion because I said that. Religion has no place in politics. The historical signifigance of what that event did to change the entire world overnight is astounding. It began a slow and steady process of changes in the world that culminated in a country none of you seem to like. The US. Say what you will about our country. The United States Constitution is the only Constitution to be written in the history of mankind where the rights of the individual are always placed before the rights of the government. Did they make mistakes? Of course. None of us are perfect. But they came closer to giving true freedom to the citizens of a country than any government in history.

    It is because of things like the War on Drugs and all the other laws and regulations placing limits on our freedoms that someday, one by one, all of our governments will fail. I doubt any of us will live to see it happen, but I believe our grandkids will. Think about that the next time you read about the new laws your government has passed that further restrict your own right as a human being to pursue your own special little version of happiness.
  18. Leafblower

    Leafblower Ancient Guru

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    I am very against drug use. In fact, I'm against any intoxication. Unfortunately, Marijuana usage has become out of control so we might as well legalize it. But the crack, meth, coke, etc. should have the punishment as the death penalty. Seriously if you are dumb enough to try it in the first place then you probably weren't going to make it very far anyways, so nothing of value would be lost. I know a few of my friends who smoke weed and they have become lazy and stupid. It's sad to see what it does to people. Intoxication. doesn't just affect you, it affects others too. If you get intoxicated and get behind the wheel, you put others in danger due to your drug usage.
  19. buddyfriendo

    buddyfriendo Guest

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    Who are you to tell any one person what they can and can't put in their own bodies? If people are dumb enough to use meth/heroin..etc then let them, show some willpower and just say no, if you lack the willpower then that's your own doing and no one else's.
  20. nicesunny

    nicesunny Banned

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    yup, sometimes it is necessary to say no.

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