Microsoft Office in Nvidia performance profile??!

Discussion in 'Videocards - NVIDIA GeForce' started by sp0rk1859, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. sp0rk1859

    sp0rk1859 Guest

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    #1 555m #2 GTX 570
    Hi everyone I have a weird question that i couldn't find the anwser to on the googles. I was messing with my nvidia settings the other day, and since i have office installed it had OneNote auto-deteced by the forceware drivers. I found this peculiar and then noticed that it was explicitly set to Integrated Graphics. I thought Office maybe was 3d acclerated, seeing they also make directx lol. But y is it set to off by default? And is it 3d accelerated? How come no other applications in the office suite are in there? wtf is going on here...someone please expain :)

    p.s. if this is utterly the wrong place to post this question, please point me in the right direction
  2. Matt151b

    Matt151b Guest

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    Gtx 1080
    Just a guess... I doubt it benefits much by 3d acceleration, so maybe they are forcing it to 2d to save power/battery life.

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