Any programmers can answer me a simple C++ question?

Discussion in 'Programming/Html' started by Pill Monster, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. Pill Monster

    Pill Monster Banned

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    7950 Vapor-X 1100/1500
    OK so I'd like to run some C++ instructions found in some .h files within AMD's ADL SDK package.

    I think these commands can retrieve heap of info on the GPU and also manipulate driver settings and other stuff like thermal throttling etc etc.

    Since I know nothing about C++, can somebody tell me how to use these files? Do I need Visual Studio or can I use the command prompt? etc etc

    Here's some of what they contain;

    ///  Copyright (c) 2008 - 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
    /// \file adl_structures.h
    ///\brief This file contains the structure declarations that are used by the public ADL interfaces for \ALL platforms.\n <b>Included in ADL SDK</b>
    /// All data structures used in AMD Display Library (ADL) public interfaces should be defined in this header file.
    #ifndef ADL_STRUCTURES_H_
    #define ADL_STRUCTURES_H_
    #include "adl_defines.h"
    ///\brief Structure containing information about the graphics adapter.
    /// This structure is used to store various information about the graphics adapter.  This 
    /// information can be returned to the user. Alternatively, it can be used to access various driver calls to set
    /// or fetch various settings upon the user's request.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct AdapterInfo
    /// Size of the structure.
        int iSize;
    /// The ADL index handle. One GPU may be associated with one or two index handles
        int iAdapterIndex;
    /// The unique device ID associated with this adapter.
        char strUDID[ADL_MAX_PATH];    
    /// The BUS number associated with this adapter.
        int iBusNumber;
    /// The driver number associated with this adapter.
        int iDeviceNumber;
    /// The function number.
        int iFunctionNumber;
    /// The vendor ID associated with this adapter.
        int iVendorID;
    /// Adapter name.
        char strAdapterName[ADL_MAX_PATH];
    /// Display name. For example, "\\Display0" for Windows or ":0:0" for Linux.
        char strDisplayName[ADL_MAX_PATH];
    /// Present or not; 1 if present and 0 if not present.It the logical adapter is present, the display name such as \\.\Display1 can be found from OS
        int iPresent;                
    // @}
    #if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
    /// Exist or not; 1 is exist and 0 is not present.
        int iExist;
    /// Driver registry path.
        char strDriverPath[ADL_MAX_PATH];
    /// Driver registry path Ext for.
        char strDriverPathExt[ADL_MAX_PATH];
    /// PNP string from Windows.
        char strPNPString[ADL_MAX_PATH];
    /// It is generated from EnumDisplayDevices.
        int iOSDisplayIndex;    
    // @}
    #endif /* (_WIN32) || (_WIN64) */
    #if defined (LINUX)
    /// Internal X screen number from GPUMapInfo (DEPRICATED use XScreenInfo)
        int iXScreenNum;
    /// Internal driver index from GPUMapInfo
        int iDrvIndex;
    /// \deprecated Internal x config file screen identifier name. Use XScreenInfo instead.
        char strXScreenConfigName[ADL_MAX_PATH];
    // @}
    #endif /* (LINUX) */
    } AdapterInfo, *LPAdapterInfo;
    ///\brief Structure containing information about the Linux X screen information.
    /// This structure is used to store the current screen number and xorg.conf ID name assoicated with an adapter index.  
    /// This structure is updated during ADL_Main_Control_Refresh or ADL_ScreenInfo_Update.  
    /// Note:  This structure should be used in place of iXScreenNum and strXScreenConfigName in AdapterInfo as they will be 
    /// deprecated.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    #if defined (LINUX)
    typedef struct XScreenInfo
    /// Internal X screen number from GPUMapInfo.
        int iXScreenNum;
    /// Internal x config file screen identifier name.
        char strXScreenConfigName[ADL_MAX_PATH];
    } XScreenInfo, *LPXScreenInfo;
    #endif /* (LINUX) */
    ///\brief Structure containing information about the ASIC memory.
    /// This structure is used to store various information about the ASIC memory.  This 
    /// information can be returned to the user.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLMemoryInfo
    /// Memory size in bytes.
        long long iMemorySize;    
    /// Memory type in string.
        char strMemoryType[ADL_MAX_PATH];
    /// Memory bandwidth in Mbytes/s.
        long long iMemoryBandwidth;
    } ADLMemoryInfo, *LPADLMemoryInfo;
    ///\brief Structure containing information about memory required by type
    /// This structure is returned by ADL_Adapter_ConfigMemory_Get, which given a desktop and display configuration
    /// will return the Memory used.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLMemoryRequired
        long long iMemoryReq;        /// Memory in bytes required
        int iType;                    /// Type of Memory \ref define_adl_validmemoryrequiredfields
        int iDisplayFeatureValue;   /// Display features \ref define_adl_visiblememoryfeatures that are using this type of memory
    } ADLMemoryRequired, *LPADLMemoryRequired;
    ///\brief Structure containing information about the features associated with a display
    /// This structure is a parameter to ADL_Adapter_ConfigMemory_Get, which given a desktop and display configuration
    /// will return the Memory used.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLMemoryDisplayFeatures
        int iDisplayIndex;            /// ADL Display index
        int iDisplayFeatureValue;    /// features that the display is using \ref define_adl_visiblememoryfeatures
    } ADLMemoryDisplayFeatures, *LPADLMemoryDisplayFeatures;
    ///\brief Structure containing DDC information.
    /// This structure is used to store various DDC information that can be returned to the user.
    /// Note that all fields of type int are actually defined as unsigned int types within the driver.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLDDCInfo
    /// Size of the structure
        int  ulSize;
    /// Indicates whether the attached display supports DDC. If this field is zero on return, no other DDC information fields will be used.
        int  ulSupportsDDC;
    /// Returns the manufacturer ID of the display device. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
        int  ulManufacturerID;
    /// Returns the product ID of the display device. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
        int  ulProductID;
    /// Returns the name of the display device. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
        char cDisplayName[ADL_MAX_DISPLAY_NAME];
    /// Returns the maximum Horizontal supported resolution. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
        int  ulMaxHResolution;
    /// Returns the maximum Vertical supported resolution. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
        int  ulMaxVResolution;
    /// Returns the maximum supported refresh rate. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
        int  ulMaxRefresh;
    /// Returns the display device preferred timing mode's horizontal resolution.
        int  ulPTMCx;
    /// Returns the display device preferred timing mode's vertical resolution.
        int  ulPTMCy;
    /// Returns the display device preferred timing mode's refresh rate.
        int  ulPTMRefreshRate;
    /// Return EDID flags.
        int  ulDDCInfoFlag;
    } ADLDDCInfo, *LPADLDDCInfo;
    ///\brief Structure containing DDC information.
    /// This structure is used to store various DDC information that can be returned to the user.
    /// Note that all fields of type int are actually defined as unsigned int types within the driver.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLDDCInfo2
    /// Size of the structure
        int  ulSize;
    /// Indicates whether the attached display supports DDC. If this field is zero on return, no other DDC 
    /// information fields will be used.
        int  ulSupportsDDC;
    /// Returns the manufacturer ID of the display device. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
        int  ulManufacturerID;
    /// Returns the product ID of the display device. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
        int  ulProductID;
    /// Returns the name of the display device. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
        char cDisplayName[ADL_MAX_DISPLAY_NAME];
    /// Returns the maximum Horizontal supported resolution. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
        int  ulMaxHResolution;
    /// Returns the maximum Vertical supported resolution. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
        int  ulMaxVResolution;
    /// Returns the maximum supported refresh rate. Should be zeroed if this information is not available.
        int  ulMaxRefresh;
    /// Returns the display device preferred timing mode's horizontal resolution.
        int  ulPTMCx;
    /// Returns the display device preferred timing mode's vertical resolution.
        int  ulPTMCy;
    /// Returns the display device preferred timing mode's refresh rate.
        int  ulPTMRefreshRate;
    /// Return EDID flags.
        int  ulDDCInfoFlag;
    // Returns 1 if the display supported packed pixel, 0 otherwise
        int bPackedPixelSupported;
    // Returns the Pixel formats the display supports \ref define_ddcinfo_pixelformats
        int iPanelPixelFormat;
    /// Return EDID serial ID.
        int  ulSerialID;
    // Reserved for future use
        int iReserved[26];
    } ADLDDCInfo2, *LPADLDDCInfo2;
    ///\brief Structure containing information controller Gamma settings.
    /// This structure is used to store the red, green and blue color channel information for the.
    /// controller gamma setting. This information is returned by ADL, and it can also be used to  
    /// set the controller gamma setting.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLGamma
    /// Red color channel gamma value.
        float fRed;
    /// Green color channel gamma value.
        float fGreen;
    /// Blue color channel gamma value.
        float fBlue;
    } ADLGamma, *LPADLGamma;
    ///\brief Structure containing information about component video custom modes.
    /// This structure is used to store the component video custom mode.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLCustomMode
    /// Custom mode flags.  They are returned by the ADL driver.
        int iFlags;
    /// Custom mode width.
        int iModeWidth;
    /// Custom mode height.
        int iModeHeight;
    /// Custom mode base width.
        int iBaseModeWidth;
    /// Custom mode base height.
        int iBaseModeHeight;
    /// Custom mode refresh rate.
        int iRefreshRate;
    } ADLCustomMode, *LPADLCustomMode;
    ///\brief Structure containing Clock information for OD5 calls.
    /// This structure is used to retrieve clock information for OD5 calls.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLGetClocksOUT
        long ulHighCoreClock;
        long ulHighMemoryClock;
        long ulHighVddc;
        long ulCoreMin;
        long ulCoreMax;
        long ulMemoryMin;
        long ulMemoryMax;
        long ulActivityPercent;
        long ulCurrentCoreClock;
        long ulCurrentMemoryClock;
        long ulReserved;
    } ADLGetClocksOUT;
    ///\brief Structure containing HDTV information for display calls.
    /// This structure is used to retrieve HDTV information information for display calls.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLDisplayConfig
    /// Size of the structure
      long ulSize;
    /// HDTV connector type.
      long ulConnectorType;
    /// HDTV capabilities.
      long ulDeviceData;
    /// Overridden HDTV capabilities.
      long ulOverridedDeviceData;
    /// Reserved field
      long ulReserved;    
    } ADLDisplayConfig;
    ///\brief Structure containing information about the display device.
    /// This structure is used to store display device information
    /// such as display index, type, name, connection status, mapped adapter and controller indexes, 
    /// whether or not multiple VPUs are supported, local display connections or not (through Lasso), etc.
    /// This information can be returned to the user. Alternatively, it can be used to access various driver calls to set
    /// or fetch various display device related settings upon the user's request.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLDisplayID
    /// The logical display index belonging to this adapter.
        int iDisplayLogicalIndex;
    ///\brief The physical display index.
    /// For example, display index 2 from adapter 2 can be used by current adapter 1.\n
    /// So current adapter may enumerate this adapter as logical display 7 but the physical display 
    /// index is still 2.
        int iDisplayPhysicalIndex;
    /// The persistent logical adapter index for the display.
        int iDisplayLogicalAdapterIndex;
    ///\brief The persistent physical adapter index for the display.
    /// It can be the current adapter or a non-local adapter. \n
    /// If this adapter index is different than the current adapter, 
    /// the Display Non Local flag is set inside DisplayInfoValue.
        int iDisplayPhysicalAdapterIndex;
    } ADLDisplayID, *LPADLDisplayID;
    ///\brief Structure containing information about the display device.
    /// This structure is used to store various information about the display device.  This 
    /// information can be returned to the user, or used to access various driver calls to set
    /// or fetch various display-device-related settings upon the user's request
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLDisplayInfo
    /// The DisplayID structure
        ADLDisplayID displayID; 
    ///\deprecated The controller index to which the display is mapped.\n Will not be used in the future\n
        int  iDisplayControllerIndex;    
    /// The display's EDID name.
        char strDisplayName[ADL_MAX_PATH];        
    /// The display's manufacturer name.
        char strDisplayManufacturerName[ADL_MAX_PATH];    
    /// The Display type. For example: CRT, TV, CV, DFP.
        int  iDisplayType; 
    /// The display output type. For example: HDMI, SVIDEO, COMPONMNET VIDEO.
        int  iDisplayOutputType; 
    /// The connector type for the device.  
        int  iDisplayConnector; 
    ///\brief The bit mask identifies the number of bits ADLDisplayInfo is currently using. \n
    /// It will be the sum all the bit definitions in ADL_DISPLAY_DISPLAYINFO_xxx.    
        int  iDisplayInfoMask; 
    /// The bit mask identifies the display status. \ref define_displayinfomask
        int  iDisplayInfoValue; 
    } ADLDisplayInfo, *LPADLDisplayInfo;
    ///\brief Structure containing information about the display port MST device.
    /// This structure is used to store various MST information about the display port device.  This 
    /// information can be returned to the user, or used to access various driver calls to 
    /// fetch various display-device-related settings upon the user's request
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLDisplayDPMSTInfo
        /// The ADLDisplayID structure
        ADLDisplayID displayID;
        /// total bandwidth available on the DP connector
        int    iTotalAvailableBandwidthInMpbs;
        /// bandwidth allocated to this display
        int    iAllocatedBandwidthInMbps;
        // info from DAL DpMstSinkInfo
        /// string identifier for the display
        char    strGlobalUniqueIdentifier[ADL_MAX_PATH]; 
        /// The link count of relative address, rad[0] upto rad[linkCount] are valid
        int        radLinkCount;
        /// The physical connector ID, used to identify the physical DP port
        int        iPhysicalConnectorID;
        /// Relative address, address scheme starts from source side
        char    rad[ADL_MAX_RAD_LINK_COUNT];
    } ADLDisplayDPMSTInfo, *LPADLDisplayDPMSTInfo;
    ///\brief Structure containing the display mode definition used per controller.
    /// This structure is used to store the display mode definition used per controller.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLDisplayMode
    /// Vertical resolution (in pixels).
       int  iPelsHeight;
    /// Horizontal resolution (in pixels).
       int  iPelsWidth;
    /// Color depth.
       int  iBitsPerPel;
    /// Refresh rate.
       int  iDisplayFrequency;
    } ADLDisplayMode;
    ///\brief Structure containing detailed timing parameters.
    /// This structure is used to store the detailed timing parameters.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLDetailedTiming
    /// Size of the structure.
         int   iSize;
    /// Timing flags. \ref define_detailed_timing_flags
         short sTimingFlags;
    /// Total width (columns).
         short sHTotal;
    /// Displayed width.
         short sHDisplay;
    /// Horizontal sync signal offset.
         short sHSyncStart;
    /// Horizontal sync signal width.
         short sHSyncWidth;
    /// Total height (rows).
         short sVTotal;
    /// Displayed height.
         short sVDisplay;
    /// Vertical sync signal offset.
         short sVSyncStart;
    /// Vertical sync signal width.
         short sVSyncWidth;
    /// Pixel clock value.
         short sPixelClock;
    /// Overscan right.
         short sHOverscanRight;
    /// Overscan left.
         short sHOverscanLeft;
    /// Overscan bottom.
         short sVOverscanBottom;
    /// Overscan top.
         short sVOverscanTop;
         short sOverscan8B;
         short sOverscanGR;
    } ADLDetailedTiming;
    ///\brief Structure containing display mode information.
    /// This structure is used to store the display mode information.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLDisplayModeInfo
    /// Timing standard of the current mode. \ref define_modetiming_standard
      int  iTimingStandard;
    /// Applicable timing standards for the current mode.
      int  iPossibleStandard;
    /// Refresh rate factor.
      int  iRefreshRate;
    /// Num of pixels in a row.
      int  iPelsWidth;
    /// Num of pixels in a column.
      int  iPelsHeight;
    /// Detailed timing parameters.
      ADLDetailedTiming  sDetailedTiming;
    } ADLDisplayModeInfo;
    /// \brief Structure containing information about display property.
    /// This structure is used to store the display property for the current adapter.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLDisplayProperty
    /// Must be set to sizeof the structure
      int iSize;    
      int iPropertyType;
      int iExpansionMode;
    /// Display Property supported? 1: Supported, 0: Not supported
      int iSupport;
    /// Display Property current value 
      int iCurrent;
    /// Display Property Default value
      int iDefault;            
    } ADLDisplayProperty;
    ///\brief Structure containing information about Clock.
    /// This structure is used to store the clock information for the current adapter 
    /// such as core clock and memory clock info.
    typedef struct ADLClockInfo
    /// Core clock in 10 KHz.
        int iCoreClock;
    /// Memory clock in 10 KHz.
        int iMemoryClock;            
    } ADLClockInfo, *LPADLClockInfo;
    ///\brief Structure containing information about I2C.
    /// This structure is used to store the I2C information for the current adapter.
    /// This structure is used by the ADL_Display_WriteAndReadI2C() function.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLI2C
    /// Size of the structure
        int iSize;
    /// Numerical value representing hardware I2C.
        int iLine;
    /// The 7-bit I2C slave device address, shifted one bit to the left.
        int iAddress;
    /// The offset of the data from the address.
        int iOffset;
    /// Read from or write to slave device. \ref ADL_DL_I2C_ACTIONREAD or \ref ADL_DL_I2C_ACTIONWRITE or \ref ADL_DL_I2C_ACTIONREAD_REPEATEDSTART
        int iAction;
    /// I2C clock speed in KHz.
        int iSpeed;
    /// A numerical value representing the number of bytes to be sent or received on the I2C bus.
        int iDataSize;
    /// Address of the characters which are to be sent or received on the I2C bus.
        char *pcData;              
    } ADLI2C;
    ///\brief Structure containing information about EDID data.
    /// This structure is used to store the information about EDID data for the adapter.
    /// This structure is used by the ADL_Display_EdidData_Get() and ADL_Display_EdidData_Set() functions.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLDisplayEDIDData
    /// Size of the structure
      int iSize;
    /// Set to 0
      int iFlag;
      /// Size of cEDIDData. Set by ADL_Display_EdidData_Get() upon return
      int iEDIDSize;
    /// 0, 1 or 2. If set to 3 or above an error ADL_ERR_INVALID_PARAM is generated
      int iBlockIndex;
    /// EDID data
    /// Reserved
      int iReserved[4];
    ///\brief Structure containing information about input of controller overlay adjustment.
    /// This structure is used to store the information about input of controller overlay adjustment for the adapter. 
    /// This structure is used by the ADL_Display_ControllerOverlayAdjustmentCaps_Get, ADL_Display_ControllerOverlayAdjustmentData_Get, and
    /// ADL_Display_ControllerOverlayAdjustmentData_Set() functions.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLControllerOverlayInput
    /// Should be set to the sizeof the structure
      int  iSize;
      int  iOverlayAdjust;    
    /// Data.
      int  iValue;
    /// Should be 0.
      int  iReserved;            
    } ADLControllerOverlayInput;
    ///\brief Structure containing information about overlay adjustment.
    /// This structure is used to store the information about overlay adjustment for the adapter. 
    /// This structure is used by the ADLControllerOverlayInfo() function.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLAdjustmentinfo
    /// Default value
      int iDefault;
    /// Minimum value
      int iMin;
    /// Maximum Value
      int iMax;
    /// Step value
      int iStep;
    } ADLAdjustmentinfo;
    ///\brief Structure containing information about controller overlay information.
    /// This structure is used to store information about controller overlay info for the adapter.
    /// This structure is used by the ADL_Display_ControllerOverlayAdjustmentCaps_Get() function.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLControllerOverlayInfo
    /// Should be set to the sizeof the structure
      int                    iSize;
    /// Data.
      ADLAdjustmentinfo        sOverlayInfo;
    /// Should be 0.
      int                    iReserved[3];
    } ADLControllerOverlayInfo;
    ///\brief Structure containing GL-Sync module information.
    /// This structure is used to retrieve GL-Sync module information for
    /// Workstation Framelock/Genlock.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLGLSyncModuleID
    /// Unique GL-Sync module ID.
        int        iModuleID;
    /// GL-Sync GPU port index (to be passed into ADLGLSyncGenlockConfig.lSignalSource and ADLGlSyncPortControl.lSignalSource).
        int        iGlSyncGPUPort;
    /// GL-Sync module firmware version of Boot Sector.
        int        iFWBootSectorVersion;
    /// GL-Sync module firmware version of User Sector.
        int        iFWUserSectorVersion;
    } ADLGLSyncModuleID , *LPADLGLSyncModuleID;
    ///\brief Structure containing GL-Sync ports capabilities.
    /// This structure is used to retrieve hardware capabilities for the ports of the GL-Sync module
    /// for Workstation Framelock/Genlock (such as port type and number of associated LEDs).
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLGLSyncPortCaps
    /// Port type. Bitfield of ADL_GLSYNC_PORTTYPE_*  \ref define_glsync
        int        iPortType;
    /// Number of LEDs associated for this port.
        int        iNumOfLEDs;
    }ADLGLSyncPortCaps, *LPADLGLSyncPortCaps;
    ///\brief Structure containing GL-Sync Genlock settings.
    /// This structure is used to get and set genlock settings for the GPU ports of the GL-Sync module
    /// for Workstation Framelock/Genlock.\n
    /// \see define_glsync 
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLGLSyncGenlockConfig
    /// Specifies what fields in this structure are valid \ref define_glsync
        int        iValidMask;
    /// Delay (ms) generating a sync signal.
        int        iSyncDelay;
    /// Vector of framelock control bits. Bitfield of ADL_GLSYNC_FRAMELOCKCNTL_* \ref define_glsync
        int        iFramelockCntlVector;
    /// Source of the sync signal. Either GL_Sync GPU Port index or ADL_GLSYNC_SIGNALSOURCE_* \ref define_glsync
        int        iSignalSource;    
    /// Use sampled sync signal. A value of 0 specifies no sampling.
        int        iSampleRate;
    /// For interlaced sync signals, the value can be ADL_GLSYNC_SYNCFIELD_1 or *_BOTH \ref define_glsync
        int        iSyncField;
    /// The signal edge that should trigger synchronization. ADL_GLSYNC_TRIGGEREDGE_* \ref define_glsync
        int        iTriggerEdge;
    /// Scan rate multiplier applied to the sync signal. ADL_GLSYNC_SCANRATECOEFF_* \ref define_glsync
        int        iScanRateCoeff;
    }ADLGLSyncGenlockConfig, *LPADLGLSyncGenlockConfig;
    ///\brief Structure containing GL-Sync port information.
    /// This structure is used to get status of the GL-Sync ports (BNC or RJ45s)
    /// for Workstation Framelock/Genlock.
    /// \see define_glsync 
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLGlSyncPortInfo
    /// Type of GL-Sync port (ADL_GLSYNC_PORT_*).
        int        iPortType;
    /// The number of LEDs for this port. It's also filled within ADLGLSyncPortCaps.
        int        iNumOfLEDs;
    /// Port state ADL_GLSYNC_PORTSTATE_*  \ref define_glsync
        int        iPortState;
    /// Scanned frequency for this port (vertical refresh rate in milliHz; 60000 means 60 Hz).
        int        iFrequency;
    /// Used for ADL_GLSYNC_PORT_BNC. It is ADL_GLSYNC_SIGNALTYPE_*   \ref define_glsync
        int        iSignalType;
    /// Used for ADL_GLSYNC_PORT_RJ45PORT*. It is GL_Sync GPU Port index or ADL_GLSYNC_SIGNALSOURCE_*.  \ref define_glsync
        int        iSignalSource;    
    } ADLGlSyncPortInfo, *LPADLGlSyncPortInfo;
    ///\brief Structure containing GL-Sync port control settings.
    /// This structure is used to configure the GL-Sync ports (RJ45s only)
    /// for Workstation Framelock/Genlock.
    /// \see define_glsync 
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLGlSyncPortControl
    /// Port to control ADL_GLSYNC_PORT_RJ45PORT1 or ADL_GLSYNC_PORT_RJ45PORT2   \ref define_glsync
        int        iPortType;
    /// Port control data ADL_GLSYNC_PORTCNTL_*   \ref define_glsync
        int        iControlVector;    
    /// Source of the sync signal. Either GL_Sync GPU Port index or ADL_GLSYNC_SIGNALSOURCE_*   \ref define_glsync
        int        iSignalSource;
    } ADLGlSyncPortControl;
    ///\brief Structure containing GL-Sync mode of a display.
    /// This structure is used to get and set GL-Sync mode settings for a display connected to
    /// an adapter attached to a GL-Sync module for Workstation Framelock/Genlock.
    /// \see define_glsync 
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLGlSyncMode
    /// Mode control vector. Bitfield of ADL_GLSYNC_MODECNTL_*   \ref define_glsync
        int        iControlVector;            
    /// Mode status vector. Bitfield of ADL_GLSYNC_MODECNTL_STATUS_*   \ref define_glsync
        int        iStatusVector;
    /// Index of GL-Sync connector used to genlock the display/controller.
        int        iGLSyncConnectorIndex;
    } ADLGlSyncMode, *LPADLGlSyncMode;
    ///\brief Structure containing GL-Sync mode of a display.
    /// This structure is used to get and set GL-Sync mode settings for a display connected to
    /// an adapter attached to a GL-Sync module for Workstation Framelock/Genlock.
    /// \see define_glsync 
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLGlSyncMode2
    /// Mode control vector. Bitfield of ADL_GLSYNC_MODECNTL_*   \ref define_glsync
        int        iControlVector;            
    /// Mode status vector. Bitfield of ADL_GLSYNC_MODECNTL_STATUS_*   \ref define_glsync
        int        iStatusVector;
    /// Index of GL-Sync connector used to genlock the display/controller.
        int        iGLSyncConnectorIndex;
    /// Index of the display to which this GLSync applies to.
        int        iDisplayIndex;
    } ADLGlSyncMode2, *LPADLGlSyncMode2;
    ///\brief Structure containing the packet info of a display.
    /// This structure is used to get and set the packet information of a display. 
    /// This structure is used by ADLDisplayDataPacket.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct  ADLInfoPacket
        char hb0;
        char hb1;
        char hb2;
    /// sb0~sb27
        char sb[28]; 
    ///\brief Structure containing the AVI packet info of a display.
    /// This structure is used to get and set AVI the packet info of a display.
    /// This structure is used by ADLDisplayDataPacket.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLAVIInfoPacket  //Valid user defined data/
    /// byte 3, bit 7
       char bPB3_ITC;
    /// byte 5, bit [7:4].
       char bPB5;             
    // Overdrive clock setting structure definition.
    ///\brief Structure containing the Overdrive clock setting.
    /// This structure is used to get the Overdrive clock setting.
    /// This structure is used by ADLAdapterODClockInfo.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLODClockSetting
    /// Deafult clock
        int iDefaultClock;
    /// Current clock
        int iCurrentClock;
    /// Maximum clcok
        int iMaxClock;
    /// Minimum clock
        int iMinClock;
    /// Requested clcock
        int iRequestedClock;
    /// Step
        int iStepClock;
    } ADLODClockSetting;
    ///\brief Structure containing the Overdrive clock information.
    /// This structure is used to get the Overdrive clock information.
    /// This structure is used by the ADL_Display_ODClockInfo_Get() function.
    /// \nosubgrouping
    typedef struct ADLAdapterODClockInfo
    /// Size of the structure
        int iSize;
    /// Flag \ref define_clockinfo_flags
        int iFlags;
    /// Memory Clock
        ADLODClockSetting sMemoryClock;
    /// Engine Clock
        ADLODClockSetting sEngineClock;
    } ADLAdapterODClockInfo;
  2. mbk1969

    mbk1969 Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    GF RTX 4070
    Here goes compilers

    If you has no C++ knowledge better ask someone... Are there .c or .cpp files? .h files contains only definitions...

    I found SDK`s download page. And - "The SDK can be used from both unmanaged (C/C++) and managed (C#) applications. Documents and Samples are provided in the download package."

    Edit: I`ve looked into ADL package, and if you want to dig into that staff yourself you definitely need Microsoft VisualStudio Express as sources in ADL package definitely were organized with VisualStudio.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2013
  3. Pill Monster

    Pill Monster Banned

    Likes Received:
    7950 Vapor-X 1100/1500
    I am asking, that's the whole point of this thread.
    And yes there are .cpp files, unmanaged/managed means nothing to idea what that is.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2013
  4. mbk1969

    mbk1969 Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    GF RTX 4070
    I can build all projects in that bundle for you

    If that is what you are asking...

    And "managed" means that you can ask not only C-programmers but C#-programmers as well

    Edit: If you`ll decide to install VisualStudio and build projects yourself, .sln files are "solution" files, you open them in VisualStudio and explore project`s tree, properties...
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2013

  5. Pill Monster

    Pill Monster Banned

    Likes Received:
    7950 Vapor-X 1100/1500
    This is what the .c and .cpp files contain; is there an API I can use or some way to run these commands?

    Last edited: Apr 28, 2013
  6. mbk1969

    mbk1969 Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    GF RTX 4070
    .h files contain whole API - constants, structures, functions. Functions are implemented in dlls. You write c++-source file that uses these functions, structures, constants, and compile it into exe.

    Edit: I can provide you the PowerShell script which will hold ADL API, so instead of programming in C++ you could write scripts.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2013
  7. Pill Monster

    Pill Monster Banned

    Likes Received:
    7950 Vapor-X 1100/1500
    That would be helpful thanks.
  8. mbk1969

    mbk1969 Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:
    GF RTX 4070
    OK. I`ll investigate ADL package, but don`t expect quick results as I have AMD videocard at work, but work will be closed at 1-5 of May (and 9-12 too).

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