RTSS vs in-engine framerate capping

Discussion in 'Rivatuner Statistics Server (RTSS) Forum' started by tyguy, Jun 29, 2017.

  1. tyguy

    tyguy Guest

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    Geforce 1070
    Why is RTSS so much better than just about any other program or in-engine solution when it comes to frame-rate capping? The only game i've found that has a lock on frametimes when you use the in-engine solution is dishonored 2 when I set my framerate cap to 75 in dishonored 2 I get a lock 13.33 ms frametimes.

    With just about any other in game capper I get frametimes that are bouncing all over the place. The only downside to RTSS is that it seems to add 5-7 MS of input lag; which is very negligible. Other framerate cappers like using nvidia inspector seem to add double the input lag that RTSS does.

    So why is it that RTSS is so much better than anything else out there and why are the majority of games that have built in framerate capping capabilities so bad?

    I'm curious how console solutions work because they seem to be both capping the framerate and using vsync. Before I had a gsync monitor I use to cap the framerate at 60 using rtss(60 hz monitor). If I used vsync without capping the framerate I would get massive input lag where rtss reduced it significantly. Unfortunately if you tried to use adaptive vsync with rtss capping at 60 vsync would never engage and you would get bad tearing.

    So i'm curious how consoles deal with 30 fps using what appears to be an adaptive half vsync type solution that only tears if it drops into the 20's but avoids the input lag associated with uncapped vsync.

    Im also curious if there frametimes are as smooth as rtss. I've only ever seen videos wit ha graph from digital foundry, and it's kind of hard to tell if it's bouncing unless the game is a bad offender like bloodborne.
  2. RealNC

    RealNC Ancient Guru

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    4070 Ti Super
    RTSS does not add any input lag. In fact, it reduces input lag a bit.

    In-game limiters can reduce input lag more than RTSS does. But that does not mean that RTSS adds input lag. It does not.

    For example, if you get 93FPS uncapped, if you cap with RTSS to 92FPS, your input lag is reduced.

    I think the whole "RTSS adds input lag" thing is getting out of hand :p
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
  3. tyguy

    tyguy Guest

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    Geforce 1070
    Then why does inspector have twice as much input lag as rtss? Do you have anything to back up your statement? I'd like to read more about it if there is info out there.

    "Yes, RTSS still introduces up to 1 frame of delay, regardless of the syncing method, or lack thereof, used. To prove that a -2 FPS limit was enough to avoid the G-SYNC ceiling, a -10 FPS limit was tested with no improvement. The V-SYNC scenario also shows RTSS delay stacks with other types of delay, retaining the FPS-limited V-SYNC’s 1/2 to 1 frame of accumulative delay.
    Next up is Nvidia’s FPS limiter, which can be accessed via the third-party “Nvidia Inspector.” Unlike RTSS, it is a driver-level limiter, one further step removed from engine-level. My original tests showed the Nvidia limiter introduced 2 frames of delay across V-SYNC OFF, V-SYNC, and G-SYNC scenarios."

  4. RealNC

    RealNC Ancient Guru

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    4070 Ti Super
    In-game limiters can reduce latency by 2 frames or more.

    RTSS can reduce latency by 1 frame.

    The statement of "RTSS adds up to 1 frame of latency" is relative. It does add up to 1 frame compared to in-game limiters. If you're using an in-game limiter, you usually get 2 frames of reduced latency. If you switch from the in-game limiter to RTSS, you get only 1 frame of latency reduction. That means your latency increased by 1 frame compared to the in-game limiter.

    However, RTSS still reduces latency by 1 frame compared to not using any frame limiter and running uncapped.

    This is why this statement is being misinterpreted so often.

    (This is for vsync off, or g-sync. With just vsync, RTSS will obviously reduce latency by several frames, not just 1.)

    Yes. A test was performed here:

    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
    BlindBison likes this.

  5. BlindBison

    BlindBison Ancient Guru

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    @RealNC You're the man -- thanks for all your efforts in providing all this info, it's very helpful.

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