Crysis FPS Boost

Discussion in 'Game Tweaks and Modifications' started by Shabaco, May 9, 2017.

  1. Shabaco

    Shabaco Guest

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    so long story short, recently upgraded my pc and still got poor fps (60fps in many areas but in certain places it would drop to sub 40-50), anyways it's taken a few weeks of testing but i managed to solve my random fps.

    first i tackled the low fps on maps like village where if you go up high and then look down at the compound in the middle of the map the fps would dip in 45-50's.

    then i tackled the ascension level which was the worst offender as when you would get near the sphere and multiple aliens appear it would drop in 35-45-50for pretty much the rest of the mission with 50-60 not in sphere or alien view

    lastly i got rid of the fps drop on custom maps, and we all know player created maps are usually unoptimized and very detail heavy.

    the following is my config;

    pc specs;

    i5 3570k
    gtx 1050 ti lp (was 750 ti lp)
    10gb ddr3
    crysis installed on hdd

    only upgraded gpu as i have a htpc setup.

    it's been a long time since i last played crysis and forgot about it's fps destroying effects.

    i will probably try rasing some of the other settings now that i've solved the fps killing settings.

    these were dynamic lights & shadows.
    for dl i disabled a debug setting that was on and that gave me 2-3fps, lowered max enity lights to 1 from 11 and that netted another 4-5fps, software coverage buffer to 2 added 4-5fps, set cbuffer_hw to 1 which i assume was hardware coverage buffer, cvar dump just says debug but it added 1-2fps.
    big fps boost on ascension was some setting that hides part of the distant terrain, looks a bit nasty when you start a new game as half the island is missing but meh, a small price to pay for a playable ascension level.

    the setting is e_max_view_dist = 1024 as it prevents distance terrain/objects from rendering even when some is not visible.
    default is -1 for full view. can try 1128, 1256, 1512, 2048 etc. although for me any higher than 1024 on the ascension level results in fps loss of 10 making it laggy.

    sys_spec_GameEffects = 1
    sys_spec_MotionBlur = 1
    sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 3
    sys_spec_Particles = 1
    sys_spec_Physics = 2
    sys_spec_PostProcessing = 1
    sys_spec_Shading = 3
    sys_spec_Shadows = 2
    sys_spec_Sound = 1
    sys_spec_Texture = 1
    sys_spec_VolumetricEffects = 1
    sys_spec_Water = 3
    con_restricted = 0
    ca_UseAnimationsCache = 1
    ds_PrecacheSounds = 1
    e_level_auto_precache_textures_and_shaders = 1
    e_precache_level = 1
    r_ShadersAsyncMaxThreads = 4
    r_DisplayInfo = 1
    fixed_time_step = -0.017 ;caps fps @60
    r_MultiGPU = 0
    r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 16
    cl_FOV = 70
    r_DrawNearFOV = 70
    g_dof_ironsight = 0
    r_DepthOfField = 0
    cl_motionblur = 0
    r_MotionBlur = 0
    r_Flares = 0
    r_Coronas = 0
    r_Glow = 1
    r_colorgrading = 0
    r_ColorGradingDof = 0
    r_ColorGradingFilters = 0
    r_ColorGradingLevels = 0
    r_ColorGradingSelectiveColor = 0
    cl_hitblur = 0
    cl_screeneffects = 0
    cl_sprintBlur = 0
    g_radialBlur = 0
    r_PostProcessEffectsFilters = 0
    r_PostProcessEffectsGameFx = 0
    e_cbuffer = 2
    e_cbuffer_hw = 1
    e_cbuffer_terrain 1
    e_cbuffer_terrain_lod_ratio = 1
    e_cbuffer_terrain_max_distance = 1024
    e_particles_max_emitter_draw_screen = 1
    [B]e_max_view_dst = 1024[/B]
    e_view_dist_ratio_vegetation = 40 ;15
    e_dynamic_light_consistent_sort_order = 0 ;debug setting default 1, fps boost 2-3
    e_max_entity_lights = 1 ;11, fps boost 4-5
    e_shadows_cast_view_dist_ratio = 0.15 ;0.45, fps boost 5-10, some shadow pop-in
    r_CullGeometryForLights = 1
    r_OcclusionQueriesMGPU = 0
    e_hw_occlusion_culling_objects = 1
    e_vegetation_use_terrain_color = 0 ;more varied grass colour
    e_proc_vegetation = 1 ;adds back extra vegetation
    r_UseGSParticles = 0 ;dx10 effect
    r_useParticlesRefraction = 0
    r_UseSoftParticles = 1 ;fixes smoke
    e_decals_allow_game_decals = 1
    e_clouds = 1
    r_UsePOM = 1 ;3d looking rocks and terrain
    e_ambient_occlusion = 0 ;1 makes bushes flicker
    e_terrain_ao = 1
    r_SSAO = 1
    r_TerrainAO = 1
    sys_LowSpecPak = 1
    p.s i've always hated the flying level because of the rubbish vtol contols so i'm modding it, going to make it an on foot mission instead, i've already started joining up the roads and modifying terrain to make it playable on foot.


    add roads to link up areas
    add lots of grass and other vegetation
    add enemy ai
    add weapon pickups
    add vehicles

    someone here might like to try it when it's done. :)
    Last edited: May 10, 2017

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