Batman and Superman Movie

Discussion in 'The Guru's Pub' started by Loobyluggs, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. Loobyluggs

    Loobyluggs Ancient Guru

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    Variety news link

    So, it finally makes sense why Man of Steel was, what is was: a brooding tonally wrong movie written by the writer of the Nolan Batman's so they could link the two together.

    Not sure if I'm happy or sad they are not doing an assemble movie with the rest of the Justice League - maybe Wonder Woman would be a little too cheesy or camp for the 21st Century Nolan style.

    Don't get me wrong, Nolan had the right idea for Batman, but feel his writer has limitations which shone through with the tone of Man of Steel. Which as each day passes, I have gotten to despise more and more.
  2. (.)(.)

    (.)(.) Banned

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    As you stated - Camp as campy as a two blokes going at it in a tent. (no offense if thats your thing).

    Personally i find lots of superhereos in tights on screen all at once to be to much to. No only that, but everyone is complaining of Hollywood and its fetish for constant remakes, then the same people cant wait for the next remake to be released.

    Justice League is the same thing as The Avengers, just different characters/actors, the plot will be the same = Evil Master and Minions taking over the world - Massive battle ensues in well known American city - Everyone gets their arses kicked expect for one or two who go on to save the day blah blah blah blah.

    They did spider-man trilogy, then straight away did a remake, wh..why. It was the exact same thing as the previous movies, but with different actors. And everybody just ate it up.

    I dont want my kids going on about how great Batman and Superman are when they're my age. I want them to have some thing new but just as awesome.

    I fail to see whats so interesting about any of these characters.

    Seen it! Watch Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - Part 2 Spoiler... Spoiler.. (im warning you) Spoiler...
    Batman wins
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2013
  3. Loophole35

    Loophole35 Guest

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    Um actually the first Spider-Man trilogy and the latest one The Amassing Spider-Man are two different comics they rebooted the comics a long time ago so the silver screen reboot was not a Hollywood idea.
  4. Loobyluggs

    Loobyluggs Ancient Guru

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    The difference between Batman and Superman is Graphic Novel and Comic.


    Superman is meant for children, or the child in you.

    Batman is for angst teen-agers, or adults whose life is in perpetual conflict.

    The interesting thing about Superman has always been his absolute good and 'red, white and blue' belief system despite having lost everybody in his family, a father who abandoned him, adoptive parents and not being able to be close to anyone because their life would then be in jeopardy. Oh, and on top of it all, even if he he did impregnate someone accidentally, the mother of the child would die during the third trimester as each 'kick' from the baby would have the potential to kill the mother.

    The interesting thing about Batman was explained to my personal satisfaction in the Nolan trilogy. He's not a god. He has no superpowers. He just believes in vigilate justice in a society that turns the other way and ignores injustice, hiding behind bureaucratic BS and self-obsession. He's the anti-hero that does the job no one else can, legally or illegally.

    Now, Man of Steel failed critically for many reasons, but missed the mark significantly in regard to 'what' Superman actually is about.

    Meshing them together when one of the pieces doesn't fit is just weird - but in Hollywood terms it makes sense.



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    Okay I never seen anyone go that far... But while we on the subject? I did
    like the man steel movie :) it was very well done :) batman was all good :) got to
    give credit where credit is due on those films :)
  6. Jhetski

    Jhetski The Lonely Guru

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    Sorry but the first thing that came in to my head after reading the title:

  7. Loobyluggs

    Loobyluggs Ancient Guru

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    Well you did ask...

    It failed critically, not financially; just critically. Therein lies part of the problem: if it failed financially but not critically, they would not make another one and certainly not create a batman/superman hybrid follow up movie.

    This is what you need to realise about big IP's like these; they are not interested in the subject matter and context, they are only interested in making money out of them.

    We got lucky/were fortunate with Batman, because those were good movies - the fact they agreed to have the same writer of a Batman movie write the Superman movie (practically unchecked against the mythology) is a clear example.

    Man of Steel was not a good illustration of Superman, and although looked nice, lacked all substance needed for a connection with the audience, wrapped up in a non-linear structure and illogical motivation.


    Anyone from krypton has the same strengths as superman when in close proximity to earths sun - and does not have any problem with respitory functionality.

    To imply Superman or any kryptonion would have an issue in a non-kryptonion atmosphere states that you need something which agrees with your respiratory system, to allow blood to pump and the brain to work etc.


    We see superman flying and zipping about the earth well above the point of oxygen, and even fly from where Zods ship was in or it with no oxygen.

    So, apparently, he doesn't need to breathe, but the minute anyone attempts to breathe a non-kryptonion atmosphere, they got problems or vice versa.

    It's what you call weak BS movie logic shoved in there to make your leading character weakened for the overall dumb plot to make sense, when in doing so actually makes the plot make even less sense than before.

    I wrote a huge review, but the forum reset deleted all 3,000 words of it.
  8. TirolokoRD

    TirolokoRD Guest

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    EVGA 980TI ACX 2 seriously got an issue with the movie....


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    okay... that was over the top...
  10. llerenaprincipe

    llerenaprincipe Ancient Guru

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    DIAMOND X1950XTX 512MB, 650/2000Mhz he trying to make sense out of a SUPERHERO movie?
    Maybe he should ask how on earth do people on Krypton speak english.
    And EVERYONE knows Superman's story, that's enough audience connection. The Soundtrack was amazing too

  11. CPC_RedDawn

    CPC_RedDawn Ancient Guru

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    Batman Begins was ok, Dark Knight was good and entertaining, Dark Knight Rises was a complete bore and fell off when compared to its prequels. Then came Man Of Steel which for all intense and purposes was a complete and utter train wreck of a movie!! They completely messed up the superman character making him basically not give a f**k about human life and just goes about smashing up buildings without any recall or regard for the humans trapped inside. The rest of the cast were completely two dimensional and only served to move the plot along. The whole thing with supermans earth father was a mess, I didn't feel a thing when he was sucked away in the movie it was out of the blue and totally unnecessary. The beginning was ok if a bit short they could of explained Krypton a lot better than just starting off when the war has broke out. General Zod was a decent character and you could tell Micheal Shannon was just doing his best with a pretty mediocre script. Also, SUPERMAN DOES NOT KILL PEOPLE!!! Yet he is beating the crap out of Zod only just snap his neck at the end! Your telling me that being punched by superman, smashed through buildings wouldn't have done that!?

    This Super + Batman movie is a disaster waiting to happen, I shall be avoiding this movie like it was the plague.
  12. The General

    The General Guest

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    Considering the fact that Man of steel sucks and all the rest of other batman movies will continue to suck without Micheal Keaton, i have no intention on watching this too.

    You want to see real superman and batman stuff, fun stuff. Watch Reeve Superman movies, Smallville, superman returns, batman 1 and 2. all the other stuff is trash.
  13. H83

    H83 Ancient Guru

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    Please, no more remakes, sequels, reboots and all that crap!!!

    Please do something original, like the first Matrix!!!
  14. Loobyluggs

    Loobyluggs Ancient Guru

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    Man of Steel? yeah. Batman? No.

    Man of Steel had amazing trailers and confidence was high - I even spent the weekend prior to watching it absorbing all of the previous films, from Christopher Reeve through to the 2006 failfest.

    I then made sure to watch it at a 2PM showing on a monday to ensure I would not be disturbed and took my comic book movie buddy with me.

    I was not amused, he was utterly furious and wanted to leave half-way, but I said to hold out and see if the non-linear structure and poor script would pay didn't.

    Another fail logic was the Codex.

    This BS plot point was stoopid: So Zod was about to be sent to the phantom zone, he could've said "Hey! wait a minute, Jor El stole the Codex and his wife knows where it is, I was trying to stop them! Remember the Codex? the thing which is meant to be the sole lynchpin of our existence on Krypton!"

    But no, he whines like a bee-hatch and doesn't even mention it.

    Nor does he mention that Jor El decided (for some unexplained reason) to have a natural-born child.

    The whole script came off like someone who doesn't just understand Superman (if that's what you think I'm pissed about) they also do not understand how to write, because that's a ridiculous plot point to hinge your entire movie on.

    Great trailers, shambles of a movie.
  15. Phragmeister

    Phragmeister Guest

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  16. (.)(.)

    (.)(.) Banned

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    Again, check out the battle of Superman vs Batman in The Dark Knight Returns. Works great in a cartoon, but in a live action film... Batman doesn't have superpowers..

    But hay, my limited imagination is just one of a few reasons why I'm not a script writer or movie producer.. mkay
  17. Andrés

    Andrés Guest

    You can bet for sure that within 10 years someone will make a remake of "The Matrix".
  18. kanej2007

    kanej2007 Guest

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    Possibly although remakes are rarely better than the original.

    I highly doubt a remake of Matrix will be anywhere as near as good as the first.
  19. Loobyluggs

    Loobyluggs Ancient Guru

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    Yeah, they'd put will smith as Morpheus, Megan fox as trinity, and will ferrel as agent smith - "because he's the wacky mad character, right?".
  20. kanej2007

    kanej2007 Guest

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    Lol, could you imagine how it'd turn out? More of a comedy/action flick!

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