Call of Duty Black Ops 2?

Discussion in 'Games, Gaming & Game-demos' started by Stone Gargoyle, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. Aura89

    Aura89 Ancient Guru

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    I agree, either COD franchise needs to die, or they need to bring something new to the table, having the same game every year since 2007, which each one has less desirable features then COD4, is getting out of hand and ridiculous

    And honestly, the only thing i can think of, is a brand new, built from scratch, engine

    Your statement would be all fine and dandy, only problem is, we're being fed the same crap every year and being charged an enormous regurgitated price for it

    COD4 was the best, why? Dedicated servers, custom maps, mods, tweaks, small mods (server side) etc. etc. etc., without all of that, SOMETHING else has to change, and since Activision has no interest in letting the PC platform be able to mod and make custom maps, an engine change not dependent on the next gen consoles is what is required

    What activision is doing with the COD franchise is like a car company releasing a brand new vehicle every single year with nothing new but a new paint job and touting it as if it's biggest thing to be released since ever and expecting everyone to go buy the current years model even if they already have the model from 4 years ago with a different paint job
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2012
  2. GhostXL

    GhostXL Guest

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    Black Ops has considerably better visuals, aka graphics, than MW2 or MW3. Try maxing out Black Ops once, use SuperSampling AA, I looks very nice.

    It has better maps, textures, and sound as well.

    Lets face it the only good MW was CoD4 MW1.

    For a lot of people, especially on PC, Black Ops was the best since MW1.
  3. Agent-A01

    Agent-A01 Ancient Guru

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    i agree 100%
  4. PR-0927

    PR-0927 Guest

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    I could not disagree more with everything you've stated.

    Personally, I've not really enjoyed any CoD game (aside from the first level of the Russian campaign in CoD:FH when I was still playing console nonsense on the original Xbox as a kid with poor-taste). The gameplay is pure garbage, IMO, and the graphics are AWFUL. And the continual shafting of PC-gaming strengthens my resolve to not buy Activision crap.

    Best thing ever would be if the entire franchise imploded and Activision died.

    Sadly not going to happen, however.

    - PR-0927

  5. UnrealGaming

    UnrealGaming Ancient Guru

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    Nothing to say that hasn't been said already. CoD needs to evolve or die.
  6. ])rStrangelove

    ])rStrangelove Ancient Guru

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    Unless they figure out a way to squeeze more $$$ out of it, CoD will stay the same until hell freezes over.

    Personally i'm with Radical_53 here, the graphics are good enough and stories are great. REALLY loved that level where you had 2 minutes to get to the russian rocket and stop the launch sequence before its too late. :)
  7. Aura89

    Aura89 Ancient Guru

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    If we were in the year 2004-2007, sure...but we aren't, we're in 2012
  8. Radical_53

    Radical_53 Ancient Guru

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    @dire badger: Sure it's old but it's "heavily modified" :D Actually I don't mind how old it is as long as it works and looks like it does today. I love good graphics but they're still absolutely fine for me.

    @stvor: Those settings are locked but there are workarounds, at least to a certain level. It's MW3 you're talking about though, I don't like that either (map design is just terrible and technically p2p doesn't cut it).

    @gaizo: BO 2. BO had ranked servers, the system worked pretty well, so I hope BO 2 has them too.

    @aura: Right, the changes are small. New content is still new content though. SP is fresh and maps are fresh, usually other things get an overhaul too. I'd love to see more improvements but as long as the game's fun, I'm fine with it. They shouldn't charge more than average for it though, to me it's a sign of bad manners.
    Graphics are still improving though (slightly) and I still like the overall level of detail and quality of the sound.

    @pr: So why are you posting here if you didn't like any of the previous titles? Do you think they would go the EA way and change their major titles to me more like the competitors, just to screw all their core fans over? That doesn't seem to work either, don't you agree?
  9. blinx

    blinx Maha Guru

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    I really like the Black Ops campaign better then mw3 tho it was still good in its own right I also like the graphics better on BO Treyarch certainly redeemed themselfs from the lacking CoD 3 game WaW was fun too
  10. Aura89

    Aura89 Ancient Guru

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    I'll just have to say, for me, they are not fresh

    All it is every new game is a new set of walls ceiling and floor

    Every time i play a new COD either the single player or the multiplayer i have this overwhelming feeling i've already playing this many times in many games with the same name, and that's not being too harsh about it, i literally feel that every time i play it, so to me, that's not fresh at all

  11. Radical_53

    Radical_53 Ancient Guru

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    Well then that's your feeling. They are new, they are fresh, they come up with new layouts and new ideas. SP has a new story, new places to visit, new people involved.
    It's a fact that most people don't seem to want the game to be different. They want more of the same and that's what they get.
    The formula itself works so they can't change too much at once, otherwise the "comfortable feeling" would get lost.
  12. PR-0927

    PR-0927 Guest

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    To express my disgust with this inevitably-continuing awful franchise.

    Also, I don't agree with your assertions about BF3. It's definitely different from BF2, but I am GLAD that it's not identical to BF2. Those who complain about that while complaining that every CoD is the same exact game (which they are) are hypocritical, IMO. Evolution is necessary. Not happy about all of the changes, but many make perfect sense.

    Plus the difference between BF3 and CoD is day-and-night.

    On an unrelated note, I must say that CoD has some of the worst storytelling I have ever seen. Absolute Michael Bay-esque unbelievable nonsense. EXPLOSIONS! BOOM! SLOW MOTION! CUT-SCENES EVERYWHERE!

    Rock, Paper, Shotgun summed up CoD so VERY well in the following:

    - PR-0927
  13. Radical_53

    Radical_53 Ancient Guru

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    Well, why don't you write Activision? I'd doubt they'd care though.
    It also seems you haven't played BF3's singleplayer part. Now that's bad and perfectly summed up by what you just said. Explosion, slow-mo, cutscene, repeat (it even repeats some cutscenes and slow-mos, no that's unique!) :)
  14. Aura89

    Aura89 Ancient Guru

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    I guess your definition of fresh and mine are completely different, as fresh implies...well fresh, not differently places maps

    It's like having pizza rolls one day and only eating half of them, put them in the fridge, and then when you get them the next day you find someone moved them around on the plate, and therefore they must be "fresh" because they've been moved to different areas

    That is not my idea of fresh

    And as i said, the formula for the game doesn't necessarily need to be changed, but the engine does, they absolutely and positively need a new engine, the current engine they have can BARELY do any physics at all! at the least, they aren't adding much into it (shooting cups on tables or similar things like that and them not moving is unacceptable in this day in age)

    "most" people do not want this gaming franchise to live any longer, "most" people that play the game are console players, "most" people who play the game are casual players who think they are gamers when in reality they treat gaming like a distant side hobby and don't have any knowledge of games that aren't advertised to hell and back (please note here i am saying most, i do realize that not EVERY person fits into these categories, and i do understand that some people like the game for actual legit reasons, but most people do not)

    I guarantee you that if you were to take a worldwide mandatory vote by everyone who has an opinion on call of duty asking if they wanted the next COD to be the same exact things with new walls floor and ceilings, they'd say no
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2012
  15. Radical_53

    Radical_53 Ancient Guru

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    I'm sure they will change the engine as soon as new consoles come out. Graphics are still fine for many players, not only on console but also on PC.
    So far I can only remember Crysis and Battlefield, as multiplayer shooters, to possibly look better than recent CoD titles. All of them need some further tweaking though to really look nice.

    Taking your example of a pizza guy I'd rather thing it matches DLC :D It's surely true they always use the same dough, same ingredients and the same toppings. There are different cooks and ovens though ;)
    You may also be right that, if being asked individually, people would want a vast number of changes. I'm still sure though that the series, as a whole, is the only family pizza that most people would enjoy.
    If they always did what "people" want they'd end up like Dice, totally changing balance over and over again to suit the ones that are moaning and crying the loudest.
    If common gamers really didn't like the series anymore, at all, they would finally stop buying it. BO had huge sales even on PC so it seems they're still doing something right.

  16. TirolokoRD

    TirolokoRD Guest

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    People must be ON something these days....BO better than MW, Jeez.....
  17. PR-0927

    PR-0927 Guest

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    Why do you seem to have a problem with someone expressing his/her opinion here? Obviously Activision wouldn't listen - it's their cash-cow. And it blows.

    I did play BF3's SP. And I loved it. Could have done with less QTEs and more sandbox-ness. Wasn't perfect, but by no means was it like CoD - the story was very believable (unlike CoD!), the nuances of international relations were evident, and the characters' personalities were subtly revealed. It was a lot smarter of a story than most people give it credit for.

    Also, the explosions were not overdone at all, unlike every Michael Bay movie and every CoD game. And I recall just ONE slow-motion event (the hotel crumbling). CoD has multiple, which are extremely unrealistic and unnecessary (the drive-by shootings for example).

    Also, if you think only Crysis and Battlefield look better than CoD - you need to play a lot more games. I'd say every other shooter out there looks leagues better than CoD (SS3 is just one of plethora examples). CoD looks very, very bad, and it's blatantly apparent. Lots of people (especially PC gamers) notice this.

    - PR-0927
  18. Radical_53

    Radical_53 Ancient Guru

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    Every time a new CoD hits the surface some people, usually Battlefield fans, start talking trash. The series always had its "specific" elements, things that defined the series and made it distinguishable from others.
    CoD never, since the first part, had the "best" graphics (compared to other titles the same age), it never had the deepest strategies, the longest singleplayer, the largest multiplayer maps. Never.
    There's no reason to ask for Crysis graphics, BIA strategy or GTA sized maps. They won't come. And even though it has all these shortcomings, people seem to love to play the game and buy it in hordes. So many other titles tried to copy it and usually failed miserably.
    I don't like playing the sp campaign on anything but the hardest difficulty as it feels like a different game. Too fast, you can run around like a super hero and it'll be over really soon. To me, it's fun and challenging though once you play it on Veteran. It also takes much longer to complete, especially if you try to take all hidden "secrets" and achievements with you the first time. As it slows down the whole game, the small yet effective graphics tweaks come to play and deliver a nice experience. The same goes for the multiplayer as I only play the rather slow hardcore mode and prefer the larger, more detailled maps and objective-based game modes. I can't stand the super fast-paced, headless run-and-spray-around no-objective game types either, especially if they're being played on some tiny shoe box-sized map like Nuketown, Shipment or almost all MW3 maps... (MW3's maps are so small they should've stitched 3-4 together to get regular sized ones).

    If you liked BF3's sp, great for you, to me it looked like another bad copy/paste job like they tried to pull before with BC2 and MoH. BC2 had a sense of humor, MoH had beards, BF3 had hyped marketing. Wow.
    The sp campaign had the bad, never-ending waves of respawning enemies CoD 2 had. Even the highest difficulty setting was fairly easy and the whole campaign lasted maybe 5 hours. Maybe I would've felt better about it if they hadn't marketed it that heavily, hadn't shown all kinds of missions and settings numerous times before the launch of the game. Just like a bad movie trailer all the great scenes had been shown before the release.

    PS: I played SS3 and while I think it was ok, it's much too cartoony and fast for me to notice the graphics in detail. To me that's just a humorous game, just like DNF, so I wouldn't want to include it in that list. Homefront, Red Orchestra 2 or Rage do also have their "moments". In my opinion, only Crysis and Battlefield have a better package of graphics and sound though.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2012
  19. WhiteLightning

    WhiteLightning Don Illuminati Staff Member

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    Good, IMO Black Ops had a nice story compaired to the other COD's released in the last years.
    I dont give anything about the multiplayer (since its basicly been the same for years), its single player all the way for me, so hopefully this will be just as good as the first one.
  20. ])rStrangelove

    ])rStrangelove Ancient Guru

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    I play BF3 MP & Coop and CoD SP stories. I get the best of everything. :)

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